Keeping the Peace – Cover Reveal

keeping the peace_FrontCover

Title: Keeping the Peace (Small Town Girl, #3)

Author: Linda Cunningham

Publisher: Omnific Publishing

Genre: Romance

Age Group: Adult

Expected release date: August 6, 2013

John Giamo juggles his career as police chief in the small town of Clark’s Corner, his

marriage to the beautiful, flirtatious Melanie, and his role as father to three teenagers. When a celebrity stranger comes to town causing disruption and danger, John must protect his community while making sure his own family and marriage do not end up as collateral damage

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About the Author

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Linda has written steadily throughout the years, but usually other people’s papers, speeches, or articles for agricultural trade magazines. Her only published work of fiction was a children’s book, “The Copper Angel of Piper’s Mill”, written in 1988 when her children were still small. Now that the kids are out of the house, Linda is writing fiction again, and this time it’s personal! She writes full time and it’s Romance! Her romance series, “Small Town Girl”, is published by Omnific Publishing.

Linda lives in a romantic stone house in the green mountains of Vermont surrounded by her gardens and her animals who include horses, sheep, cats, dogs, chickens, a parakeet and various wildlife visitors who wander in and out at will. When time permits, she also enjoys sketching and painting.

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