
Cover Reveal: Honor Me (Men of Inked, #6) by Chelle Bliss


Honor Me, Men of Inked Book 6, by Chelle Bliss

Cover Photographer by Eric Battershell of Burton & Coco Hughes

Release date May 2016



I had everything I ever wanted—a wife, a kid, with two more on the way. I was living the American dream. After the babies were born, we hit a rough patch. I did everything to prove my love, to show Suzy that nothing was more important than her. After some work and a lot of time, we found our groove again. Just when life had evened out, a familiar enemy came back to haunt us. It wasn’t my past that followed us, but my brother’s. When the danger gets too close, I’ll do anything to defend my family. There’s nothing more important than the people I love, and I’ll protect what’s mine—even if it costs me my life.

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About Chelle Bliss


Chelle Bliss, USA Today Bestselling author, currently lives in a small town near the Gulf of Mexico. She’s a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, and coffee fiend. Currently she’s written a dozen books in three different series. She loves spending her free time with her boyfriend, 2 cats, and hamster.

Before becoming a writer, Chelle taught high school history for over ten years. She holds a master’s degree in Instructional Technology and a bachelor’s in history. Although history is her first love, writing has become her dream job and she can’t imagine doing anything else.



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COVER REVEAL: Chasing Love’s Wings (Love’s Wings, # 2) by Zoey Derrick

We’re very excited to share the cover of Chasing Love’s Wings by Author Zoey Derrick! 




TitleChasing Love’s Wings (Love’s Wings 2)
Cover Design: Parajunkie
Scheduled to release: May 27, 2014


Everything in Cameron Enders’ life feels like a dream since she took a trip to a remote island where she met Tristan Michaels, Hollywood’s hottest man. Tristan never imagined that his get-away vacation would change his life and his heart. 
But everything isn’t perfect in paradise once Cameron and Tristan return to Phoenix. When Cami discovers a dark secret, her dream becomes a living nightmare. She slips back into old habits, turning to alcohol to hide her pain. As the woman he loves becomes more a stranger by the day, Tristan’s world is rocked again. He’s a helpless witness to Cami’s self-destructive cycle – until she pushes too far, testing the limits of his love. Their love is far from perfect, but he will stop at nothing, chasing it all until she has everything she deserves.
Cami’s withdrawal could strengthen or destroy everything she hopes to have with Tristan. Can Cami trust him enough to give him everything or will she cling to her secrets and their pain, tearing them apart forever?





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Cami is standing in the bathroom, at the mirror, she’s just finished with her hair, which of course looks beautiful, pulled over one shoulder and held back by a flower, similar to the one she wore in Tarah for one of our dates. Her beauty is something I can’t get over. It doesn’t matter if she has raccoon eyes, or if she is wearing no make-up at all, which doesn’t happen often. But tonight, I am more interested in the fact that all she has on right now is a black lace bra, matching panties, and lace top thigh-highs that are being held up by a matching garter belt.
Her panties leave very little to the imagination and I can’t help but stare hard at this beautiful girl. I sneak up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist, my hands gliding along her stomach and she melts into me.
“Hey beautiful.” I whisper in her exposed ear.
“Hey beautiful yourself.” She smiles at me in the mirror and our eyes meet. I love our little greeting ritual and it never seizes to warm my heart.
My hands continue to roam along her body, starting down at her thighs where her thigh-highs stop. Her skin is so soft and I can’t resist touching it.
“Behave yourself.”
I snort a laugh. “Never.” And I kiss her on her neck, just below her ear, the spot that always turns her to putty in my hands.
“We have twenty minutes before we have to get out of here.”
“I can be quick.” I blurt out, my erection straining against my jeans.
“Not that quick.” She says and she turns to kiss me. But it is soft and quick. She knows better than to work me up, but sometimes I wonder if it works her up just as much. I can’t seem to stop my hand from roaming between her legs.
“See you’re already hot and wet for me.”
“I’m always hot and wet for you, but we don’t have time.” She kisses my cheek. “Now go, before we will be really late and I don’t want the nasty look from Beau, because she will know exactly why we’re late.”
I huff. “Fine, but you owe me.”
She turns so quick in my arms that it hardly registers until we are face to face. “Behave yourself and I will more than make it worth your while.” She promises and kisses me, then playfully pushes me away.
I like her promises of making it worth my while, it usually means that she will do something extra special for me when we get home, so I back away and let her finish getting ready. I head down to the kitchen and pour us both a small glass of chiraz and wait, impatiently for her to join me. I haven’t seen what else she plans on wearing tonight and I don’t really care. I am already starting to feel the ache in my balls and it is going to be a long, horny night.


Finding Love’s Wings (Love’s Wings 1)

Cover Design: Parajunkie
Release: May 6, 2013
ISBN13: 9780615814077


CAMERON ENDERS seems to have it all: a brand new condo in a city she loves, a top executive position at an international entertainment firm, an insane amount of money, and a gorgeous boyfriend. But when Cami catches the boyfriend in the act with another woman, it triggers all the anguish from years of neglect by her parents, and she realizes she never learned how to love or be loved. Cami flees to the remote tropical island of Tarah, but she can’t avoid facing her problems any longer when she meets the man of her fantasies…
TRISTAN MICHAELS, one of Hollywood’s hottest new stars, has come to Tarah to ride out a storm. His girlfriend of five years has been caught on camera cheating, and she’s determined to make Tristan stop the story from breaking.
But Tristan’s done cleaning up her messes. He needs to escape all things Hollywood for a while–and especially the firm that represents him–until the whole thing blows over. What he doesn’t count on is meeting an irresistibly beautiful woman, a woman who just so happens to be the CEO of the firm he’s trying to avoid.
Can Tristan and Cami help each other learn to trust and love again, or will their histories of betrayal tear them apart?



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 About the Author:
Amazon Best Selling Angels, Demons & Devils and Paranormal Author of Give Me Reason – The Reason Series Book One comes from Glendale, Arizona. Zoey, was a mortgage underwriter by day and is now a paranormal, romance and erotica novelist full-time. She writes stories as hot as the desert sun itself. It is this passion that drips off of her work, bringing excitement to anyone who enjoys a good and sensual love story.
Not only does she aim to take her readers on an erotic dance that lasts the night, it allows her to empty her mind of stories we all wish were true.
Her stories are hopeful yet true to life, skillfully avoiding melodrama and the unrealistic, bringing her gripping Erotica only closer to the heart of those that dare dipping into it.
The intimacy of her fantasies that she shares with her readers is thrilling and encouraging, climactic yet full of suspense. She is a loving mistress, up for anything, of which any reader is doomed to return to again and again.


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Book Review: Throttle Me (Men of Inked, #1) by Chelle Bliss


Throttle Me by Chelle Bliss

Men of Inked Series Book #1


Suzy’s a control freak and has her life mapped out – work hard, find a man with a stable job, and live happily ever after. She’s content with the status quo, but her plan comes to a screeching halt when he enters her life and turns it upside down.
City gave up on love when his heart was crushed in college, preferring to be the typical bachelor. He spends his nights hopping from one bed to another and his days working at his family tattoo shop, Inked. A chance encounter on a dark road makes him question what he had sworn off forever – a relationship.
A night of passion and lust causes them to question everything. Is City the knight in shining armor to the damsel in distress? Can their relationship survive when a fantasy falls apart and a secret comes out that changes everything? 



Book Review

Before I even talk about the actual content in this book let’s talk about this smoking hot cover! Seriously though, Throttle Me had me salivating from the moment I laid eyes on the cover! I mean seriously I wanted to lick this guys abs! haha! Ok, let me stop drooling and actually tell you about the steam in this book!


Hot hot hot! Mucho Caliente! I loved Throttle Me. It is a fun and sexy read. I fell in love with City and enjoyed seeing Suzy come out of her shell! 


Suzy thinks she has her life mapped out. She a teacher, she knows she wants to settle down with a nice guy, but she has no idea that City is about to turn her world upside down. She knows what’s expected of her, but sometimes plans and the perfect picture in your head don’t align with your heart. When Suzy meets City she begins to question everything. She knows she should steer clear of this “bad boy”, but something draws her to him, and its obvious the feelings are mutual. Something inside of her begins to stir and Suzy finds the courage to take a walk on the wild side. Problem is there’s more to City than she imagined. As she begins to peel back the many layers she sees how easy it might be to fall for him…terrified she must decide if she should follow her heart or go back to her carefully mapped out life? 


City isn’t interested in a relationship, at least he wasn’t before meeting Suzette. Now the school teacher is slowly weaving her way into his head…and his heart. City’s been through a lot and it’s made him steer clear of relationships, but something about Suzy is getting under his skin and he wants to know her. He might even want more…but is he willing to admit it? How far will he go to possess her and how far will she run from the one person she knows has the power to break her heart.  Throttle Me was a one sitting read for me. The story is fun and engaging. It will keep you hooked and wanting more. If you like a heated romance with plenty of sparks you’ll enjoy Throttle Me. There’s plenty of steam and substance. Perfect for New Adult, Contemporary Romance, Adult Fiction and Erotica fans and of course any fans of sexy tattooed bikers hehe!


Happy Reading!


“Do you swear?” I asked as she set the glass back on the bar.
“What?” She gaped at me.
“Do you swear? Simple question. You’ve said ‘heck’ and ‘friggin’’ so far, but nothing dirty.”
“Oh, um, yeah, I swear.” Her cheeks turned pink and a small smile spread across her face. “I’m just used to watching my words with the kids around all day.”
“Prove it,” I said as I stared in her blue sapphire eyes.
“What? Why?”
“Cause I need to know if it’s in you. Are you all good girl or is there more under there dying to come out?” I hid the smile and laughter that was so close to breaking free from my lips. The pink of her cheeks spread across her face. I know I embarrassed her, but fuck, I needed to know if I stood a chance.
“Yes, I swear. What do you think I am? I’m not a child, City.” She glared at me as she raised the drink to her lips and wrapped them around the rim. Fuck I wanted those lips wrapped around my shaft, taking me deep and sucking me off.
“Never said you were, babe. Do you drink besides tonight?” I asked, now smiling because I knew she was upset. I liked the fire I saw in her eyes when I pointed out her good girl qualities – she obviously didn’t like being labeled.
“Sometimes. I’m just responsible. I don’t drink and drive. My dad used to be a cop and it was drilled into my head at an early age.” The words she spoke hit me like a ton of bricks. Drunk driving was the one thing in the world that caused my blood to boil.
Good girl teacher with a cop father? Just my luck. “Nothin’ wrong with that. Virgin daiquiris aren’t always your thing, then?”
“Why? Do I have to be a drinker? I mean does it make me less of an adult?”
“No, Suzy. Just trying to get a feel for who you are – what you are.”


Throttle Me Playlist

Throttle Me


Throttle Me Purchase Links:

Amazon  |  Amazon UK  |  Amazon CA  |  Amazon AU  |  Barnes & Noble  
iTunes: Coming Soon!

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Release Day Blitz: Throttle Me by Chelle Bliss


Throttle Me by Chelle Bliss
Men of Inked Series Book #1
Available Today!

Throttle Me Purchase Links:
Amazon  |  Amazon UK  |  Amazon CA  |  Amazon AU  |  B&N  |  iTunes (coming soon) 


Suzy’s a control freak and has her life mapped out – work hard, find a man with a stable job, and live happily ever after. She’s content with the status quo, but her plan comes to a screeching halt when he enters her life and turns it upside down.

City gave up on love when his heart was crushed in college, preferring to be the typical bachelor. He spends his nights hopping from one bed to another and his days working at his family tattoo shop, Inked. A chance encounter on a dark road makes him question what he had sworn off forever – a relationship.

A night of passion and lust causes them to question everything. Is City the knight in shining armor to the damsel in distress? Can their relationship survive when a fantasy falls apart and a secret comes out that changes everything? 



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Masquerade Blog Tour

Masquerade-Blog-Tour Dawn_Masquerade

A biker. A tattoo artist. A love to last a lifetime.

Maddox Cross has always had to be tough. When his father went to jail for murder, the teenager took care of his sister and mother. Now on his own and working security at a night club, Maddox wants to become a tattoo artist-a dream that comes closer to reality when he falls for the hottest, most tatted woman he’s ever seen. She’s wild and beautiful, and Maddox will do anything to be with her.

Bee Malone came to town to open up her new tattoo parlor, Masquerade. Since being kidnapped as a young girl, Bee has had trouble getting close to anyone. But when she meets Maddox, she sees that under his hard biker’s body is the sensitive soul of an artist. What starts out as a sizzling one-night stand soon becomes so much more.

Bee wants Maddox to join her tattoo business, but letting him into her life means revealing all her most intimate secrets. And as the past begins to intertwine with her present, Bee fears their love may not be as permanent as their ink . . . 



What gives me an ache in my chest is the fact that she has what I want. I haven’t cared enough about anything to feel jealous in a long-ass time, but that’s exactly what comes to mind when I look at her.

            “You coming to the party?” I ask her.

            “I’m here to see you.”

            She doesn’t give me a chance to reply as she pushes her way around me and inside. What I would give to kick her out of this room just because I can, but since I don’t really know if she’s giving me shit or if she came for the party, I hold back. It’s not like Trevor to let someone in here for no reason.

            Right on her heels, I follow her until she rounds the corner and pulls to a stop once she can see inside. Not having enough time to go around her, my body lines right up against hers, Bee’s nice little ass tucked right against me. On reflex I reach out, my hand grabbing her slender waist to make sure she doesn’t stumble forward. Damn it if that doesn’t bring up all sorts of thoughts about how it felt to strip her naked and touch her everywhere.

            “You have your hands on me.” There’s a sexy huskiness in her voice that tells me she’s turned on too. It should make me rip my hand away from her as fast as I can, but I’m so pissed at her about Masquerade that I can’t stop myself from being a dick.

            “If I remember correctly, you liked the feel of my hands on you. You were very enthusiastic about how much you liked it.




Nyrae Dawn_Photo Credit - Cherished Memories Photography[1]
About the Author:
Writing has always been Nyrae Dawn’s passion. Nyrae gravitates toward character-driven stories. She loves going on emotional journeys with characters whether it be reading or writing. And yes, she’s a total romantic at heart and proud.

Nyrae resides in sunny Southern California with her husband (who still makes her swoon) and her two awesome kids.
When she’s not with her family, you can be pretty sure you’ll find her with a book in her hand or her laptop and an open document in front of her. Nyrae also writes adult romance under the name Kelley Vitollo.




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