
Cover Reveal: Amped (The Trent Brothers #2) by Tina Reber

Amped by Tina Reber will be released this summer!

Are you ready for another sexy Trenton Brother?

Add Amped to your TBR list:  


amped cover

Teaser Excerpt

Everyone has a demon inside them. That voice of self-loathing, of questioning our purpose and worth. But everything in life has balance. A counterbalance. The light in the darkness. Every breath we take, each choice… We all struggle, Jason. Every day. You aren’t the only one. But that’s what life is all about. Of counting our blessings. Of seeing the moments of beauty that are right in your face. But you’re too busy feeling sorry for yourself and allowing the cowardice of others to blind you.”He scoffed. “Cowardice?”“You think there’s bravery in suicide? Or this slow death of yours? It’s a copout. You want to label yourself as brave, you fight—every second of the day if you have to. You never, ever give up. You fight until the end.”


tina reber

About the Author
I had my first library card at the age of four. My mom was a part-time librarian at the Coplay Library in Coplay, Pennsylvania for 29 years, where I spent a good portion of my time growing up attending “story hour” every day after school.
I always chose the hot pink colored carpet to sit on to listen to the amazing stories that were read to us and eventually begged my parents to install the same hot pink carpeting in my bedroom. That’s when I learned that “wall to wall” carpeting DIDN’T mean that my walls would be covered in hot pink carpeting too. It was a sad day.
My education and background is in Business Analysis, Corporate Training, Banking, Accounting, and IT Design – but that was just to pay the bills. Creative, artsy stuff – from jewelry design to painting and writing – have always been my passion.
I live a quiet, drama-free life in Pennsylvania with my husband, our nine year old son who is growing like a weed, a Keeshond that sheds like crazy, two very lively mini Schnauzer puppies, and an Eclectus Parrot who thinks he’s a dog and mommy’s boyfriend – named Percy.


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Book Tour: Dirty (Dive Bar, #1) by Kylie Scott


Are you ready to get Dirty?  
Dirty is Book One in Kylie Scott’s Dive Bar Series.  
Order your copy of DIRTY here:


Amazon US   |   Amazon UK   |   iBooks   |   Barnes & Noble   |   Kobo


dirty kylie

The last thing Vaughan Hewson expects to find when he returns to his childhood home is a broken hearted bride in his shower, let alone the drama and chaos that comes with her.
Lydia Green doesn’t know whether to burn down the church or sit and
cry in a corner. Discovering the love of your life is having an affair on your wedding day is bad enough. Finding out it’s with his best man is another thing all together. She narrowly escapes tying the knot and meets Vaughan only hours later.
Vaughan is the exact opposite of the picture perfect, respected businessman she thought she’d marry. This former musician-turned-bartender is rough around the edges and unsettled. But she already tried Mr. Right and discovered he’s all wrong-maybe it’s time to give Mr. Right Now a chance.
After all, what’s wrong with getting dirty?




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“Once upon a time,” he began, voice low and measured. “There was a princess. A beautiful, occasionally annoying princess.”
“What was her name?”
“Ah, Notlydia.”
I frowned. “Her name is Notlydia?”
“You wanted a story, I’m giving you one. Shut up.”
An even heavier sigh from the man. “Anyhoo, Notlydia was all set up to marry this prince. We’ll call him Prince Bag of Dicks.”
“Works for me.”
“But on the day of her wedding, when she was wearing this sweet dress that served her tits up like they were a fucking platter—”
“Is this an R-rated story?”
“Please,” he said, sliding an arm around my bare waist. And I let him. “R is for rubbish. If you don’t get to see any penetration then you’re wasting your time. This is XXX.”
I laughed.
“So on the day of her wedding to Prince Bag of Dicks, Notlydia kisses him and he turns into a big slimy two-headed toad with terrible breath and even worse foot odor.”
“Whoa.” I rested my head back against his shoulder. “Poor Notlydia.”
“Hell of a plot twist, right?”
“Never saw that one coming.”
“Mm.” He rested his cheek against the top of my head.
“What happens next?”
“Well, she’s completely freaked out, of course.”
“Of course.”
“And she takes off into the woods. She’s running through bushes, jumping fences, climbing trees, you name it. Nothing’s going to stop her from getting the hell away from that toad, Prince Bag of
Dicks.” He took a sip of beer. “Unfortunately, she loses her fancy dress along the way. She’s just down to some skimpy underwear and a corset and with all that jogging through the forest, it’s barely holding her in. One decent breath and there’s going to be nipple out there for all the world to see.
Did I happen to mention she’d been voted Best Rack in the kingdom four years running? Anyway, eventually she finds this small cottage. Now, what you don’t know about Notlydia is that she has a shady past.”I tried to look up at him. But with the angle, all I got was stubble and cheekbone. “That doesn’t sound like Notlydia.”
“Be quiet.” A hand covered my mouth. “Notlydia’s a dirty, dirty girl. Got a bad side like you wouldn’t believe. A little breaking and entering is nothing to her. So into the house she goes. But she’s all muddy from running through the woods, see? She can’t let people see her like this, she’s a princess, for fuck’s sake.”
The hand remained over my mouth. Which was fine, I had nothing to add to his pornographic fairy tale.
“Notlydia gets in the shower and starts soaping herself. There’s lots of bubbles and steam, and she’s a modern woman so there’s a bit of self-love. She even finds time to wash her hair, shave under her pits. Things like that. But then the owner of the cottage wakes up and hears the water running. He stomps into the bathroom saying, someone’s using up my hot water. Notlydia cries out, not me, not me.”
He craned his neck, meeting my gaze. “See, babe, what did I tell you? That Notlydia is a filthy little liar.”
I looked up to heaven. No help was forthcoming.
“Someone’s using up all my soap, says the owner. Not me, not me, cries Notlydia.” He put his lips next to my ear. “She should be ashamed of herself, shouldn’t she? If ever a busty princess deserved a spanking.”
I bit at the palm of his hand, teeth catching at the fleshy mound beneath his thumb.
“Ow.” He laughed, pulling his hand free. “Then the owner said, someone’s been fingering herself in my shower.”
“Stop!” I put my hands over my ears, trying desperately to hold in my laughter. “This is the worst story ever. The Brothers Grimm are rolling over in their graves.”
“Notlydia throws back the shower curtain and says, oh yeah, big boy, that was me. Come and get it. And they have wild sex all over the cottage.” Vaughan’s body jerked beneath mine as he laughed his ass off. “The end.”
“No way. Notlydia is virtuous and pure. She’d never pull that sort of shit.”
“Nah.” He chuckled. “It all happened exactly as I said. Dirtiest princess in all the land.”
“Like hell. The owner of that cottage was a pervert and a deviant. Why, he would have picked the lock on a chastity belt. She never stood a chance.” Difficult to maintain my pious stance, given I’d started laughing so hard tears were pouring down my cheeks. The funny bastard. “I want to know more about this cottage owner. What’s his name?”
“I don’t know. Let me think . . .” He rested his chin back on top of my head. “He definitely isn’t Prince Charming.”
“He could be!”
“If he wanted to. Or not. Whatever,” I added weakly. Crap. “Let’s go back to not talking.”
I was a moron.
We’d been all relaxed and laughing. Me and my idiot mouth. Way to go, Lydia. Just shout out any old impossible daydream to the dude who’s made it clear there was no future “we.” If someone could just direct me to the nearest brick wall, I’d knock a little sense into myself.On the other hand, it was two stupid words. Surely he could have ignored the last hundred years of Disney perpetuating slick-haired young royals gallivanting around the countryside saving hot babes in distress. For the sake of getting along. God knows, Chris never had any problems ignoring or placating me. I’d seen his thoughtless gorgeous smile aimed my way a hundred times. No, a thousand. If only I’d recognized it for what it was.
Ugh. Just the thought of it made me want to punch the douche all over again.
Maybe I needed a bit more than a week to get over that catastrophe. The money would help. Substantially. I’d never imagined that compromising my morals and taking hush money from such foul woe-begotten assholes would feel so good. Maybe I should sell out more often.
“This, ah, this Prince Charming of yours,” he said haltingly.
Vaughan shifted beneath me, pushing out a heavy breath. “I mean, it doesn’t make sense, does it? Why would he be in a cottage instead of a castle?”
“Well . . . his parents, the king and queen of the neighboring kingdom, died in a terrible accident.”
I stayed perfectly still, waiting to see how he’d react.
“I see.”
“And it hurt him so bad he just, he didn’t want to be a prince anymore.”
Nothing from him.
“Bad things happen in fairy tales sometimes.”
A grunt.
“It’s not fair, but it happens,” I said, feeling my way with more caution than skill. “The prince loved his parents and the castle had too many memories.”
“So he ran away into the woods too.”
“Doesn’t sound like much of a prince if he can’t handle his shit,” he said.
“Princes are just men too, human beings. I don’t think a crown or a penis gives you magical invulnerability to loss and pain.” I stared at the wall, thinking the problem through. “Life is hard.
Terrible things happen. We all have feelings. We’re all just flesh and blood, trying to do our best.”
“Running away from problems isn’t doing your best.” His voice echoed around the small room, the same as around in my head.
What with holding the Coeur d’Alene title for runaway bride of the year, I had no answer. None at all. So much for my half-assed wisdom. 

twist kylie scott

Twist  (Book Two) in the Dive Bar Series by Kylie Scott releases on November 22nd! 


Pre-order your copy of  TWIST here:


Amazon US   |   iBooks   |   Barnes & Noble   |   Kobo   



kylie scott

About the Author:
Kylie is a long time fan of erotic love stories and B-grade horror films. She demands a happy ending and if blood and carnage occur along the way then all the better. Based in Queensland, Australia with her two children and one delightful husband, she reads, writes and never dithers around on the internet.


Kylie is represented by Amy Tannenbaum at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, New York.


Stalk Kylie Scott:
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Cover Reveal: Honor Me (Men of Inked, #6) by Chelle Bliss


Honor Me, Men of Inked Book 6, by Chelle Bliss

Cover Photographer by Eric Battershell of Burton & Coco Hughes

Release date May 2016



I had everything I ever wanted—a wife, a kid, with two more on the way. I was living the American dream. After the babies were born, we hit a rough patch. I did everything to prove my love, to show Suzy that nothing was more important than her. After some work and a lot of time, we found our groove again. Just when life had evened out, a familiar enemy came back to haunt us. It wasn’t my past that followed us, but my brother’s. When the danger gets too close, I’ll do anything to defend my family. There’s nothing more important than the people I love, and I’ll protect what’s mine—even if it costs me my life.

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About Chelle Bliss


Chelle Bliss, USA Today Bestselling author, currently lives in a small town near the Gulf of Mexico. She’s a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, and coffee fiend. Currently she’s written a dozen books in three different series. She loves spending her free time with her boyfriend, 2 cats, and hamster.

Before becoming a writer, Chelle taught high school history for over ten years. She holds a master’s degree in Instructional Technology and a bachelor’s in history. Although history is her first love, writing has become her dream job and she can’t imagine doing anything else.



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Book Review: Unlawful Desire (ALFA PI, #2) by Chelle Bliss


Title: Unlawful Desire
Series: ALFA PI Book #2



No matter how hard I tried to push her away, fate thrust us together again.

Screw relationships. My motto: Hit it and quit it.
Simple worked. Feelings weren’t on the line, hearts weren’t able to be broken,
and I could keep my life simple.

My friends told me to move on and find the “one,” but I wasn’t ready to love again.
Until I met her.
A dirty-mouthed temptress with a killer body that had me questioning everything.
I knew I could ruin her forever, but not without losing myself.
I wouldn’t do it.
But Georgia Phillips was innocent, pure, and total perfection.
I wouldn’t be the one to strip her bare and break her heart.
I swore I’d never call another woman mine, but that was before I almost lost her.

Warning: If you can’t handle a cocky bad boy or a badass chick with a dirty mouth,
this might not be the book for you.




*This was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. 

All thoughts and comments are my own.*

Holy F&#%, Unlawful Desire is hands down my favorite Chelle Bliss book to date! Ok, I seriously love all her books, but this one lived up to every imaginable expectation and then some. I was impatiently awaiting the release for this one and I loooooooved it! I could not put it down. It was definitely a one sitting read. I sat in a café and lost hours not even realizing I had been there so long until it was nearly closing time (hangs head in shame). Sigh, I knew I would fall hard for Frisco and I 1000000% did. He is the epitome of the dream alpha male book boyfriend.


Frisco swore off relationship, but the day he meets Georgia he knows he’s in for trouble. He does everything in his power to fight his feelings, but Georgia isn’t like the rest. She’s smart, sassy and pretty freaking bada$$. There’s something about her that Frisco can’t escape and try as they may, fate keeps intervening pushing these two closer together. I loved the banter between Georgia and Frisco. They were playful and snarky in a way that only Chelle could perfect. I fell hard for Frisco and Georgia, unsure of their fate, I devoured every page and rooted for them along the way. I hoped these two would find a way to open up and trust one another. Georgia and Frisco’s lives intersect at a time when they both need to drown out past hurt. What they never imagined is that they’d find solace in one another. Will they take a leap together or will Frisco’s reservations and Georgia’s innocence be the thing that tears them apart?


As with all Chelle Bliss books this one felt familiar, as though they could be your own friends, it was witty, and I laughed a lot at certain points (when you get there you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about). Let’s just say that extended family and friends are always an important factor in Chelle’s books and they certainly make the stories interesting and utterly hilarious. As always, the steam factor was off the charts, but I do believe Unlawful Desire may have had some of the steamiest, blush worthy moments I’ve ever read. This book is everything! 5 stars hands down for Unlawful Desire. It is erotic and steamy, but the second chance romance aspect will sucker punch you at times leaving you breathless and longing for more. I am a huge fan of this book and the ALFA PI series. This is a must read for all Erotic (Adult) Romance/Second-Chance Romance/Contemporary Romance fans! You will not be disappointed.


Happy Reading Lovelies xo 


Unlawful Desire Excerpt

She leaned back against the bar with her tits jutting out and her arms crossed underneath. “What’s your problem with me? Did I do something to you, Frisco?”

Caught off guard by her question, my body jerked backward. “N-no,” I stuttered.

She tapped her foot. “You ditched me, marched off when you heard my age, and tonight, you seem less than happy that I’m here. What the fuck gives?”

I cleared my throat, trying to find my voice and a reasonable explanation. “I don’t have anything against you.” I was in so much trouble.

“Let’s cut the shit, Frisco. I’m a big girl. What’s the problem? Would you rather I leave?” Her body oozed attitude.

I cringed. I never wanted to hurt anyone, but I knew that I had hurt her feelings. “No. Don’t go. I’m sorry. It’s just that Sunshine…” My chest tightened. “She’s trying to fix us up.”

Georgia filled her cheeks with air before slowly exhaling. “Is that so bad?” She narrowed her eyes. “If I’m not your type, it’s cool. But otherwise, what’s the issue? I thought we had a nice time up until you left the party. I’m a big girl. Just be honest with me. I’m not into playing games.”

I wanted to play games. Naked games that ended with us against a wall, tangled together like we’d played the sexiest game of Twister.



Sinful Intent Ebook Cover 



Chelle Bliss, USA Today Bestselling author, currently lives in a small town near the Gulf of Mexico in Florida. She’s a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, and coffee fiend. She’s written over thirteen books and has three series available. She loves spending her free time with her boyfriend, 2 cats, and her hamster.

Before becoming a writer, Chelle taught high school history for over ten years. She holds a master’s degree in Instructional Technology and a bachelor’s in history. Although history is her first love, writing has become her dream job and she can’t imagine doing anything else.




Release Launch: Heart-Shaped Hack by Tracey Garvis Graves


HSH Amazon
When Kate Watts abandoned her law career to open a food pantry in Northeast Minneapolis, she never dreamed it would be this difficult. Facing the heartbreaking prospect of turning hungry people away, she is grateful for the anonymous donations that begin appearing at the end of each month. Determined to identify and thank her secret benefactor, she launches a plan and catches Ian —a charismatic hacker with a Robin Hood complex—in the act.
Ian intrigues Kate in a way no man ever has. But after learning he’s snooped around on her personal computer, she demands retribution. Impressed with her tolerance and captivated by her spirit, he complies and begins to slowly charm his way past her defenses. Time spent with Ian is never boring, and Kate soon finds herself falling for the mysterious hacker.
But Ian has enemies and they’re growing restless. In the hacking world, exploiting a target’s weakness is paramount, and no price is too high to stop an attack. And when Kate learns exactly how much Ian has paid, she’ll discover just how strong her love is for the man who has hacked his way into her heart. 


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© 2015 Tracey Garvis Graves
Heart-Shaped Hack


“Oh, hi,” she said.
“Imagine running into you here.”
“This is quite a coincidence.”
“It’s not a coincidence at all. I knew you were following me.”
“You did not.”
“I spotted you hiding behind the plant when I walked into the bank. Plus I could smell your perfume as soon as I stepped out here.”
“Did you”—she used her fingers to make little air quotes—“appropriate money from this bank?” she whispered.
“Of course not. I do all my work from the Batcave. Believe it or not, I actually bank here. I was just signing some papers.”
Kate had never seen a man look so utterly scrumptious while wearing glasses. There was something about the combination of his hair, his scruff, and the semi-rimless designer frames that made him irresistible. “Are the glasses a disguise? Because I totally knew it was you.”
“The glasses are real. I often suffer from eyestrain since I spend so much time on the computer, and I was up late last night, working.”
“They make you look very smart.” She took a moment to imagine how his scruff would feel rubbing against her skin if he were to kiss her.
“I am smart, but I think you mean devastatingly handsome. More so than normal, that is.”
“You’re so humble.”
“Ready?” He walked to the door and held it open for her.
“Follow me.” He looked at her and laughed. “That shouldn’t be a problem for you.”
They took the elevator to the basement, and when the doors opened to the parking garage, Kate followed Ian to a row of cars. He stopped beside one and pulled a set of keys from his pocket.
She gasped.
Ian smiled. “It’s a—”
“1964 Shelby Daytona Cobra Coupe.”
“’65. But color me impressed.”
“My brother Chad was obsessed with this car. He used to have a poster of it on his bedroom wall. There were only six built between 1964 and 1965.”
“A bit rare indeed.”
The last authentic Shelby had sold at auction for around seven million. Ian’s was obviously a replica, of which there were quite a few, but it was still a very notable vehicle with a price tag that started in the low six figures. “Helena called it an old blue car.”
He grinned, looking contemplative. “Technically, that is correct.”
Kate could not resist running her hand lightly over the Guardsman Blue paint and the white racing stripes on the hood. The Shelby was unmistakably race-car-like in appearance with its aerodynamic design and unique body style. Chad was going to be so jealous. “For someone who values his privacy, isn’t this a bit ostentatious?”
“How so?”
“Rakishly handsome playboy who makes grand philanthropic gestures and drives a flashy car. Any of this ringing a bell?”
“Rakishly handsome playboy?”
“Well, if the Prada loafer fits. Wouldn’t you fly under the radar more easily in, say, a Ford Focus?” she asked.
“A Ford Focus? You want me to tool around town in a Ford Focus? Jesus, would I still have my balls?”
“No, they cut them off when they hand you the keys. Of course you’d still have your balls. What kind of question is that? This conversation has gotten way off track.”
“You mean because we started out talking about my car and now we’re talking about my balls?”
“Are we?”
“I believe so.”
“Maybe we should go back to talking about your car.”
“You want to drive it, don’t you?”
“Why would I want to drive your car?”
“Why wouldn’t you want to drive my car? Can you handle a stick shift?”
“Yes, and rather competently I might add.”
“That’s an enormous turn-on. Truly.”
She pretended not to hear him. “This is not a good car for Minnesota winters.”
“Horrible, I agree. My other car has four-wheel drive, but it’s not nearly as fun to operate as this one.” Ian dangled the keys in front of her.
He was right. Kate was dying to drive his car and couldn’t wait to see how it handled. She took the keys, opened the door, and reached over to unlock the passenger side for Ian. They belted up, and she started the car.
“Please note that I’m already making good on my promise, Katie. Because I assure you, driving this car will be the opposite of boring.”


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Tracey Garvis Graves is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author. Her debut novel, On the Island, spent 9 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list, has been translated into twenty-seven languages, and is in development with MGM and Temple Hill Productions for a feature film. She is also the author of Uncharted, Covet, Every Time I Think of You, and Cherish.
Tracey loves to interact with her readers and can be found on Facebook and Twitter.


Goodreads   |   Amazon Author Page



Cover Reveal: Unlawful Desire (ALFA Private Investigations, #2) by Chelle Bliss


Title: Unlawful Desire
Series: ALFA PI Book #2
Author: Chelle Bliss
Release Date: September 22, 2015
Cover Photo by: SC Photography
Cover Models: Lance Jones & Brit Love

UD Cover Smaller

My fiancée ripped a piece of my heart out when I caught her with another man. It made me jaded, and I swore off relationships. But as with any plans, life had a way of making me its bitch.

When a way too young bombshell walked into my world, my heart began to beat again. Georgia asked me for one night—nothing more—and with no strings attached.

Our night of passion turned my universe upside down.

When she almost slipped out of my life, I knew I had to make her mine. Willing to do anything to protect her, I took justice into my own hands. My feelings for her brought out a side of me I thought I’d left behind.

I had to lose myself to be found again.








BlissChelle Bliss, USA Today Bestselling author, currently lives in a small, west coast town near the Gulf of Mexico in Florida. She’s a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, and coffee fiend. Currently she’s written thirteen books and has three series available. She loves spending her free time with her boyfriend, 2 cats, and her hamster.

Before becoming a writer, Chelle taught high school history for over ten years. She holds a master’s degree in Instructional Technology and a bachelor’s in history. Although history is her first love, writing has become her dream job and she can’t imagine doing anything else.


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Text BLISS to 727-202-5528

Click here to learn more about other Chelle Bliss Books


Book Review: Sinful Intent (ALFA Private Investigations #1) by Chelle Bliss


Title: Sinful Intent
Series: ALFA PI Book #1
Release Date: July 14th
Author: Chelle Bliss





The moment I saw her, I wanted her.
I tried to resist her, but Race had other plans.
One night, in a moment of weakness, I gave in to my desires.
I still had a job to do before her world collapsed.
If I failed at finding the person behind the threats, I could lose her forever.
Temptation can be dangerous. 




Book Review

*This was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. 

All thoughts and comments are my own.*

Chelle Bliss became a favorite author when I was first introduced to her Men of Inked series featuring one of my favorite fictional families, The Gallos. I fell hard and fast for her writing and how she easily brought you into this world that made this family so real that you wanted to crawl into the books and live there. As the series and family grew so did my love for her art of storytelling. She became an author who was able to capture all the perfect elements of love, passion, humor and a true sense of family all in the same book.  I have a love for her books and will likely enjoy anything she dips her hands into. Naturally, Sinful Intent, the first book in her newest series (and Men of Inked spin-off ::happy dance::) – ALFA Private Investigations won me over instantly. Not gonna lie to Chelle or the readers and I mean no offense or disrespect when I say this because while I understood the choice to use the name Race True, it is quite possibly my least favorite named character of all the books I’ve read by Chelle thus far. However, as I got used to the name and got a better understanding of the choice I continued on with enjoyed the story as much as I did the Men of Inked books. This book had everything you look for in a good romance/erotic romance – love, passion, friendship, mystery, action and of course family – yup, that’s right, the Gallos are back and you will definitely get plenty of updates on the happenings of their lives as well as the introduction of some new faces which I absolutely love.


Sinful Intent introduces Morgan DeLuca and the story of how he came to join ALFA PI. His story is real enough where it could be someone you knew growing up, he’s a kid from the “wrong side of the tracks” that was fortunate enough to get his life together in most ways, but now he’s trying to figure out…what next? I love how he came to join the ALFA PI family and the story that leads up to him meeting Race True.  We are introduced to Race True who becomes Morgan’s first client and after their initial meeting, it is clear they are both attracted to one another. Race suffered insurmountable loss in her life and it only made her work harder. Morgan is a distraction she isn’t sure she can afford to welcome into her life, but she feels hope when he’s around. Lines become blurred one night and their walls come down allowing the two to give in to the overwhelming need they’ve felt since their first encounter, but can they get beyond the reasons that initially brought them together or will everything fall apart before they have a chance to begin?


As much as I loved Sinful Intent, Chelle did what she does best – gives you a taste and makes you want more. I’m salivating for the next book in the series, Unlawful Desire. I am so curious about Frisco and I can’t wait for his story. This series, as with the Men of Inked series is perfect for Contemporary Romance/Erotic Romance/Erotica fans. It is the perfect blend of romance, intrigue and the steam factor, as always, remains off the charts! You won’t be disappointed!


Happy Reading Lovelies xo


“You’re really purdy,” she slurred with a lopsided grin, running her finger down my cheek.
“That’s it. No more drinks for you,” I said, dragging the glass away from her.
“No! I’ve only had three,” she said as she lurched forward, pulling the drink out of my hands.
“I’m enjoying myself. I’ve had a bitch of a week and I deserve to let loose a little.”
I held my hands up. “You’ve actually had four martinis, but anything you want, princess.”
Her eyes grew into little slits. “I’m not your princess,” she slurred, sounding completely adorable.
My cheeks hurt as I smiled. “I’m going to take you home now. I think you need to sleep it off.”
“Last time I checked,” she said before hiccupping, “you’re not my daddy.” A slow smile crept across her face. She scooted closer and whispered, “Unless that’s your thing.” She tried to wink, but both eyes closed, one after the other.
I leaned into her space, a breath away from her lips. “It’s not my thing, but I’m happy to act out your fantasies. But I don’t think you want to cross that line. Once you go there, there’s no going back.” I stared into her eyes.
“Oooh.” Her eyes grew wide. “Is that supposed to scare me, Mr. DeLuca?”
I didn’t move. “I’m just giving you fair warning. You’ve had a few drinks, and I won’t take advantage of that. I’m just telling you how it is.”
“You’re full of yourself.” Her warm, sweet breath caressed my lips as she spoke.
All I wanted to do was reach out, pull her face to mine, and kiss her full, beautiful lips. “I’m sure of myself and confident in my abilities, yes. That’s entirely different than being full of myself.” I licked my lips, testing her.
Her eyes dropped to my mouth as her lips parted.
“Another?” Lisa interrupted.
“We’re good,” I replied, keeping my eyes pinned to Race and waving Lisa off.
“Pfft,” Lisa scoffed, stomping away.
Race glared in Lisa’s direction. “She wants you,” she whispered.
Was she jealous?
“I don’t want her.”

“She’s a sure thing though.”
I leaned closer, leaving very little space between us. “I never liked easy.”
“All men like easy.” Her body swayed, moving so close our lips almost brushed.

Purchase Sinful Intent

Unlawful Desire – ALFA PI #2 is available for pre-order
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About the Author

Chelle Bliss is a USA Today Bestselling Author of the Men of Inked series.
She loves to write happily ever afters filled with alpha males and sexy women.
Chelle spends her days writing, chatting on Facebook, and working on her craft.
The ALFA PI series a spin off of her Men of Inked series and she’s excited
to introduce a new world of characters to readers.




Fisher Amelie’s Cover Reveals & Announcement

The much anticipated release of Fisher Amelie’s third standalone installment of The Seven Deadly Series, FURY, finally has a release date! Stay tuned below for the reveals of her new covers for VAIN and GREED, a chapter from FURY, as well as the heart-stopping trailer for FURY, due out May 4th, 2015.

Prepare Yourselves.


About FURY:
Revenge is an euphoric thing. Trust me on this. Nothing compares to the release you get when you ruin someone’s life. When they’ve stolen important things. Things that didn’t belong to them. Things I revel in making them pay for.
What? Have I offended you? I’m not here to appeal to your delicate senses. I have no intention of placating your wishes or living within your personal belief system nor do I care if you hate me. And you will hate me. Because I’m a brutal, savage, cold-blooded murderer and I’m here for my revenge.
I’m Ethan Moonsong…And this is the story about how I went from the world’s most sacrificing man to the most feared and why I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.

Fury May 4


The new cover for the first standalone in The Seven Deadly Series, VAIN.


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The new cover for the second standalone in The Seven Deadly Series, GREED.


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 And now for an excerpt from FURY, due out

May 4th, 2015…

I heard a snap and the light cracked on, piercing through my closed lids. My head pounded and I groaned then rolled over, pulling my cover over my head to drown out the source of my pain.
“Get up,” a deep voice commanded. “Get up,” he continued, kicking my shoe.
“Dad,” I rasped. “I’m hungover and feel like shit.”
He was silent for a moment so I pulled the cover down just enough to see his face. He was not amused.
“Ethan, watch your language, get your butt up, and find a job.” I didn’t answer him. I had nothing to say that would please him. “And while you’re at it, stop this ridiculous drinkin’, son.”
I sat up, ran my hands through my long black hair and wrapped the length around my fist. I sat back against the wall, reveling in how cool it was, and tried not to vomit.
“Did you see them today?” I asked him, unable to help myself.
My dad removed his hat and leaned against the jamb, scrubbing his face with his free hand. “You like to torture yourself,” he said, shaking his head then sighing. “You remind me so much of your mama.”
The mere mention of my mother sent me spiraling down once more in depression. We’d lost her a few years before and I was still in agony. That, coupled with the fact that Spencer Blackwell stole my girl right out from underneath my nose, was enough for me to drink to excess every night. I hate him.
“Are they,” I swallowed, afraid of his answer, “are they together now?”
My father sighed again. “Ethan, get dressed.”
“Are they?” I asked again, letting my hand drop to my side. My hair slid with it and cascaded down my back.
“You are a stubborn boy. Yes, okay? Yes, they’re together. All the more reason to move on, son.”
My body suddenly weighed a thousand pounds and I felt my head reeling. So it was true then. They were together and they would probably get married and I was going to have to sit there in that godforsaken small town and watch it all happen. I was going to get a front row seat to my own misery.
I nodded once, rested my hands on my knees for a brief moment, then ran past my dad, shouldering him as I did so and nearly knocking him over before making it to the small bathroom across the hall and retching everything in my stomach into the toilet.
My dad stood in the bathroom doorway shaking his head in disappointment. When I was done, I fell back into the wall. That look shamed me to my core. Any time my dad felt let down, I felt the weight of my disgrace so heavy the only thing I could think to dull the ache was to drink myself into a stupor. It was a vicious cycle.
I let my hair cascade over my face. I heard the old wood floor creak beneath his feet as he left without another word and jumped when the front door slammed. My eyes closed as my head pounded.
The claw foot tub sat to my left so I leaned up and turned on the water, slowly removing my clothing one piece at time. Each movement felt like a hammer slamming into my head.
“God,” I groaned. “I am an idiot.”
I stood then stepped underneath the warm water and just stood in silence, letting the water absorb into my hair and seep into my skin. I breathed in the steam deeply. I was miserable. Not just physically but my heart was the heaviest it’d felt since my mom passed and I had no one to blame but Spencer Blackwell for that.
The asshole who rode into my life under the guise of helping his sister only to yank what I thought was a stable foundation right out from underneath me. He stole from me, a bona fide thief, and I wanted to make him pay. No, I needed to make him pay.
But how?
I finished showering and threw a towel around my waist, stepping from the tub and toppling onto my bed when I reached my room and fell to sleep, not even bothering to dress myself. I fell quickly, fantasizing about my revenge.
I must have slept for hours because when I woke, it was pitch black outside. I rolled onto my side and checked my alarm clock. Eleven o’clock. Perfect timing, I thought.
I sat up and tucked my towel around my waist a little tighter, stood and went straight for my dresser. I grabbed a pair of boxers and socks and put those on before heading for my closet and tossing an old, worn pair of jeans on, a thermal and an old tee. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my wallet and keys, threw on my boots and headed toward my piece of shit truck.
I knew exactly where I was going because it was where I planned on going every night until I forgot about Caroline Hunt.
My truck started but barely and I tore out of our driveway not bothering with my seatbelt, kicking up dust and rocks as my tires spun against the loose gravel. I’d replaced my stereo because I couldn’t stand radio, at least not Kalispell radio, and plugged my phone into the audio cable. Bastille’s Dreams remake blasted and I turned it up, letting the painful lyrics wash over me, fueling my desire to get plastered as quickly as possible.
I entertained myself with thoughts of strangling Spencer Blackwell with both hands then beating the crap out of him with my fists. Bastard. I pulled into the local pub and put my piece into park before tucking my left foot into the emergency brake.
I disconnected my phone and the stereo went silent, reminding me of how alone I really was. I turned the engine off and absolute silence surrounded me. I couldn’t take it. My door creaked with age as it swung open and I slammed it shut, unable not to. The fury raging in my blood was more than I could contain.
Before heading inside, my hand went to the empty space between the cab and the bed and searched for the bottle of whiskey I always had wedged in between. I took a large swig, not wanting to spend too much of my savings on the liquor inside the crap establishment. After all, I was going to need it. Revenge was a costly business.
I took one more swig for good measure and wedged it back in its usual place then wiped my mouth on the back of my sleeve. My hair swung heavy in my eyes. It was still a little wet from my shower and I thought about tying it back with the extra leather tie I usually kept in my glove compartment but thought better of it. It helped me hide and I wanted to hide.
I looked around me. The lot was full but I only recognized a few cars this time which was good because I had no intention of making conversation. Regardless, most of Kalispell had stopped trying because I’d rarely done any responding since Cricket cut out my fucking heart and ate it raw. The hair was only insurance.
I took two deep draws of air, gulping it down, desperate for it to soothe me but, of course, it didn’t. I let each escape my lips in shaky breaths and clenched my fists over and over before deciding to head inside.
My boots crunched the gravel beneath my feet as I headed toward the door. When I entered, I ducked my head toward the floor and let my hair cover me, not that it did any good other than to conceal me. I could still feel the heat of their stares, though, still feel the pity in their gazes. I wanted so badly to yell at them to fuck off but I kept as much composure as possible. I couldn’t get kicked out of the only real bar in Kalispell.
I picked a stool at the end of the bar, the same stool I always did in the corner and in the back because it was dark. I sat and met Vi’s eyes. She sauntered over to me, placing her elbows on the bar top, giving me a clear view of her generous chest. I held back my eye roll.
“Hello, darlin’,” she drawled. “You look like shit.”
“The usual, Vi,” I told her as quietly as I could.
“How ‘bout a kiss then first?” she asked, leaning in a bit more.
“Christ, Vi, how many times? Huh? Just get me the gosh damn drink.”
She laughed. “Already worked up then, I see. I like it,” she said, winking.
Vi, or Violet, was thirty-nine years old, had lived in Kalispell her entire life, and had worked as a bartender for over fifteen years. I could tell at one time Vi had been a beautiful woman but I could also tell she had heard many hollow promises from equally hollow men and that she obviously believed them all. Otherwise, why would she still be there? I watched her tired eyes and her slightly too-forced smile. She had the look of someone who used to be chased but had graduated to the chaser. She looked miserable.
She left and returned with an empty glass and a bottle of Jack. She set the glass on the bar and filled it to the brim. She was being generous. She was always this way. She told me once she hoped I would drink it all away and decide to take her up on her offer. I told her that would be a cold day in hell, to which she only laughed.
“Drink up, buttercup,” she said, smiling lasciviously.
“I will,” I told the bar top.
I watched the world around me through the breaks in the hanging strands and six glasses later, I was starting to finally feel numb. I lifted my head a little feeling slightly relieved, feeling like I could breathe a little deeper now that the ache wasn’t so severe. I continued to search the crowd, not knowing who I was really looking for.
A quiet but persistent nagging awareness took residence in my chest for some unknown reason as I watched a girl dance on her own in the middle of the dance floor. Others around her paid no attention to her but she was the first person my eyes were drawn to. I studied her.
Her hair was tucked into a blue scarf, little tendrils peeking through and grazing across her neck whenever she moved. She was extraordinarily tall and her hips and rear end were more indulgent than I’d ever considered before. She turned slightly, giving me her silhouette. Her stomach was flat and her breasts were full. She was beautiful, I could tell, even if I couldn’t see her fully through the low lights.
“Jeez,” I said, swiping a hand down my face. “I’ve had too much.”
But I still couldn’t stop watching her. She wore worn jean cut offs, a fitted button up with the sleeves rolled up her forearms and ankle boots. She rolled her shoulders playfully, enticing someone she knew just off the dance floor. Another girl joined her side and they did the robot. She threw her head back and laughed.
This shocked me almost sober. “That laugh,” I whispered to myself. “That laugh,” I repeated. I knew it but couldn’t quite place it.
She took her friend’s hand and twirled her around the floor vivaciously. She was so full of life. So my exact opposite.
She lightheartedly skipped in place and raised an arm in salute to her friend before turning toward me.
That’s when I got a good, clear look at her. I gasped out loud and placed my hand on the back of my head, my elbow on the bartop, ducking my head down lower to hide myself further.
Please, please, please do not recognize me, I thought, still watching her from the corner of my eye.
She stood two seats down from me. “Vi!” she said, laughing a little. “Vi!”
Vi turned toward her. “Hey, baby! What’ll it be?”
“Can I have a water, please?” she asked, sitting down and releasing a breath of exhaustion. She continued to smile, though, and it ate a little at my gut.
“Of course,” Vi answered and started to pour water into a clear plastic cup. Vi’s eyes pinched a little. “Hey?” she said.
“Yeah?” she asked.
“How come I never see you drink anything harder?”
Her face fell a little but picked right back up. No one would have noticed it but me. “I’ve never had good luck with alcohol,” she admitted a bit sadly.
Vi was quick enough to recognize something there that didn’t want to be said and let it go with a nod, handing over the water without another word.
“Vi!” someone else called out and she walked their direction.
She took a long drink from her water and set it down, turning toward the crowd and surveying the dancers. A small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth, some private joke she shared with herself.
I looked on her for a long time. Long enough for my heart to calm itself. Long enough to struggle with myself in an internal argument. Finally, I decided that I wasn’t watching her because I found her attractive, though I knew she was. Only that I was wondering what she was doing there.
She turned around in her seat after catching her breath and glanced at me. For a moment, I believed she didn’t recognize me but I was wrong. A second scan confirmed it for her. She leaned in and narrowed her eyes. Shit.
Ethan?” she asked. “Is that you?”
“Hello, Finley,” I answered.


 Check out the FURY Trailer!!


About Fisher Amelie:
Fisher Amelie resides in the South with her kick ace husband slash soul mate. She earned her first ‘mama’ patch in 2009. She also lives with her Weim, ‘Jonah’, and her Beta, ‘Whale’. All these living creatures keep the belly of her life full, sometimes to the point of gluttony, but she doesn’t mind all that much because life isn’t worth living if it isn’t entertaining, right?
Fisher is the author of The Seven Deadly Series, The Sleepless Series, and Leaving Series, and was a semi-finalist in Amazon’s Breakthrough Novel Award.


Find Fisher
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Cora Carmack’s Seeking Her Excerpt Blast

Best SEEKING HER by Cora Carmack

This book is slated for release January 28, 2014.


Jackson Hunt gets his turn in this Finding It prequel novella …

Jackson Hunt hasn’t been out of the military for long, but he needs to get a job and find a sense of normalcy if he is going to keep his demons at bay. The job that falls into his lap, though, is anything but normal.

Becoming bodyguard (and babysitter) to spoiled rich girl Kelsey Summers isn’t exactly what he had in mind, but it’s a chance to travel, to get away. The catch: Kelsey’s father doesn’t want her to know she’s being followed.

She’s vibrant and infuriating, exciting and reckless, mysterious and familiar. When Jackson sees her falling into the same patterns he suffered years ago, he decides it’s time to stop watching and help her instead. But getting to know Kelsey is more difficult than he thought, especially because the more he knows her, the more he wants her.




Exclusive Excerpt of Seeking Her by Cora Carmack by WilliamMorrowBooks

Pre-Order Links:

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Cora Carmack Bio:

Cora Carmack is a twenty-something writer who likes to write about twenty-something characters. She’s done a multitude of things in her life– boring jobs (like working retail), Fun jobs (like working in a theatre), stressful jobs (like teaching), and dream jobs (like writing). She enjoys placing her characters in the most awkward situations possible, and then trying to help them get a boyfriend out of it. Awkward people need love, too. Her first book, LOSING IT, is a New York Times and USA Today bestseller.

Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Goodreads   



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Exciting News – Abbi Glines

Hey peeps here’s some super exciting Abbi Glines news AND an excerpt

Courtesy of Atria Books!!!



Atria Books announced today a four-book world rights deal with #1 New York Times bestselling author Abbi Glines. The first three books in the runaway new adult bestselling Too Far series, FALLEN TOO FAR, NEVER TOO FAR and FOREVER TOO FAR, will be published as eBooks in January 2014 with trade paperback editions to follow. Atria will also release a never before published novel, RUSH TOO FAR in eBook and trade paperback simultaneously in May 2014. The book will re-tell the story of Fallen Too Far from hero Rush Finlay’s perspective.

Fallen Too Far, Never Too Far, and Forever Too Far, originally self-published by Abbi Glines, established her as one of the foremost authors of the new adult genre, selling over 400,000 eBooks each, with Fallen Too Far reaching the half a million mark. These books launched the Rosemary Beach series, which follow the romantic entanglements within a group of best friends in a small resort town on the Gulf Coast.

Judith Curr, President and Publisher of The Atria Publishing Group says, “We’re so thrilled to be the exclusive publishers of Glines’s Rosemary Beach series and to have the opportunity to work with her on building a long term career.”

The deal was negotiated by Atria editor Jhanteigh Kupihea with Jane Dystel of Dystel & Goderich Literary Management.

Abbi Glines is the #1 New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of the Sea Breeze, Vincent Boys (both published by Simon Pulse), Rosemary Beach, and Existence series. A devoted book lover, Abbi lives with her family in Alabama. She maintains a Twitter addiction at @AbbiGlines and can also be found at Facebook and”

To read the prologue of RUSH TOO FAR, visit:


Book Excerpt from Stained by Elizabeth Marx

 “Is that why you were living in the same city as me and you never came to see me?” I asked a little bit more accusatorially than I meant to.
“Why didn’t Mandy call me or come to see me?”  
His jaw seemed to harden as he looked over the top of his sunglasses.
“Do you want to know about me or Mandy?”  
I rolled my eyes. “You know what I mean.”  
“Maybe I was just admiring you from afar as I always have.”
Revell merged onto the highway in the direction of Crossroads.  
I snorted. “What’s Mandy’s excuse?”  
Revell took one hand off the steering wheel and rubbed the back of his neck.
“She took Daddy’s death hard and she’s been busy with school there.”  
“So for some reason, which you won’t explain to me, one of few people I consider a true and loyal friend came to live in my home town and she didn’t even want to see me?”  
Revell sighed. “Since you didn’t come here when Daddy died, maybe she thought your friendship was over.”  
“Is that what you thought? That our friendship was over?”   “
We weren’t friends, Scarlett, don’t fool yourself into believing that!”  
“Then I’d like to know what we were?” I countered angrily.  
He wouldn’t look at me, and his voice was rough and tense when he spoke.
“You knew I’ve wanted you in every way a man can want a woman since you were fifteen.”  
“Friendship is better than nothing, especially when what you wanted to happen between us was completely inappropriate.”
“It was only wrong if it was one sided or if I’d acted on it when you were under age.”  
“The summer I was fifteen and Mamaw found us in the deer stand you came pretty close to you going to jail.”  
“The age of consent in Alabama is bit lower than it is up North.”  
“You were twenty, it was a crush on an older man on my part. What was it on your part?”  
Revell paused, turned, and looked me up and down.
“It was I’m going to rot in hell because I want a minor or I’m going to die a slow death because I don’t believe I can live without her.”  
I grumbled in disbelief, “And yet here you are perfectly healthy and happy.”  
“You were the one who just said that I don’t smile the way I used to.”  
I moved away from his ire closer to the door. “Are you blaming me?”  
“I’m not blaming anyone, I’m just trying to tell you how I feel because you wouldn’t let me tell you back then, and you never came back to let me explain how it was.”
Revell sighed.
“Why didn’t you come when I wrote you?”
“I couldn’t.”  
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”  
“Couldn’t, Revell, couldn’t.”
Buy Stained on Smashwords  |  Amazon

About the Author 

Windy City writer, Elizabeth Marx, brings cosmopolitan life alive in her fiction—a blend of romance, fast-paced Chicago living, and a sprinkle of magical realism. Elizabeth resides with her husband, girls, and two cats who’ve spelled everyone into believing they’re really dogs. She grew up in the city, has traveled extensively, and still says there’s no town like Chi-Town.



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