Temper For You
For You Series, book #3
By Genna Rulon
“Life is messy. Love is messier.” – Catch and Release
Meg Adeio has led a life of isolation—not by choice, by necessity—until one act of heroism forces her out of seclusion. Despite a past shrouded in mystery, Meg is “adopted” by an eclectic group of friends that become the family she never had. Life was good for the first time in…ever.
Or it was until Westly Black reappeared on her doorstep. She knew he was the last man any woman should give her time to—only good for one thing—yet a temptation no woman could deny. Wes might make her life messy, but Meg’s eyes were wide open and she had it under control. At least she thought she did.
When past and present collide, loyalties are tested, forcing Meg to sacrifice her future to protect those she loves.
Temper For You is a gripping story of regret, deception, and redemption – filled with raw emotion, sarcastic wit, intrigue, and love’s propensity to forgive.
• Though Temper For You is a part of the For You Series, it can be read as a stand alone
• This story is appropriate for readers 18+
Wow. Just W-O-W….
I don’t even know where to begin. As I sit writing this I have come to the conclusion that the For You series is probably one of my favorite series and Genna Rulon has expertly weaved her way into my heart as one of my favorite authors! Temper For You, if you are familiar with the series is Meg’s story. If you are not familiar with the For You series, I urge you to get acquainted with these characters. You will adore them and cherish them just as I do. Although this can be read as a standalone I highly recommend reading the books in order. It just allows you to better connect with the characters and follow references from the past two novels. I don’t know that I can truly rank the books in any specific order as I feel Genna Rulon has undoubtedly stolen my heart every single time. I do believe I am a fan for life. She has an impressive ability to weave words in such a way that allows the reader to step into the book and experience every emotion with these characters. Her expert writing and flawless satire is incomparable to any author I’ve ever read. The closest comparison I can give is that her descriptive abilities are similar to that of Colleen Hoover and her humor close to that of Alice Clayton, however, she is truly unique when it comes to her sarcasm and no one in my opinion has come close to matching the quick wit of her characters.
We meet Meg in Pieces For You and immediately we know she’s hiding things. We learn that she has endured some struggles, but her honesty remains questionable. In Temper For You we learn why. Her shrouded past has caused her great pains and she has managed to steer clear of love and friendship. That is until she meets Ev, Sam, Griffin and Hunter. They as Genna claims “adopt” her into the family, and although she adores them, her past still has a tight hold on her. She is sure that she will eventually lose them. She is waging an internal war and although she appears fine on the surface she won’t allow anyone close enough to break through those walls. She knows the dangers of allowing anyone to get too close. So she remains guarded, that is until Westly Black re-enters her life and here begins the struggle. There is an undeniable attraction between these two and their chemistry is off the charts causing a surge of emotions that will forever alter the two. When Meg’s past collides with her present her future seems nothing more than a bleak prospect. Will her newfound family and potential romance allow her to break free from the chains of her past or will she be forced to lose everyone and everything she’s come to know and love?
Temper For You is told in dual perspectives. You will get to experience both Wes and Meg’s POV – which I absolutely loved. Wes is a man that on the surface appears to be nothing more than a pompous asshole, but as I read and learned more about his own story, I realized I might not have given him a fair chance. I, like Meg, had not allowed myself to look beyond whom we met in Pieces For You. When I was able to look past the little I knew of Wes I was enamored by this man and his many layers. My only advice to the reader is that you go into this judgment free…give him a chance as I did, you won’t be disappointed.
I was so deeply enthralled by this book that I forewent sleep just to finish it. Yes, it is that good!!! I’m not going to lie, there were moments where I wanted to grab Meg and shake her, but most of the book I spent curious and let’s just say her story is quite unlike anything you’d expect. It is quite a compelling read and while each of the characters in this series has experienced their share of struggles and hurdles, Meg’s story touched me in a different way. I felt for her and wanted her to have a happy ending despite the obstacles. I wanted to know more about her past and hoped she’d be able to find a future she deserved, but most of all I wanted her to realize her potential and worth. This story is magnetic. It draws you in and tugs at your heartstrings. You will hope and wish for the best outcome for these two despite the odds.
This book also gets incredibly steamy. I seriously thought my kindle was going to explode from the chemistry! Talk about passion.The descriptive language also caused me to blush a few times! Temper For You has the perfect blend of romance, drama and humor. Hot, dramatic, sexy, raw, intense, inspiring and of course witty. I loved everything about this book and now I must buy all three books in print. These are books you need in your library! I highly recommend this to all new adult, romance, contemporary romance, omg who am I kidding, I recommend this to ALL readers (at least those 18 and older…due to the…ahem…content. haha)
*This was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.*
“Look…Sam is ever-so-slightly insane. It may be a new form of Tourette’s, but I’m waiting to hear back from the Psych department for confirmation. Despite her best intentions, she has an astounding propensity to embarrass me. You are just one in a series of cringe-worthy moments so don’t think you’re anything special, and whatever you do, don’t read too much into anything she said. Nothing is going to happen between us.”
She was so certain, I almost believed her—almost.
I grabbed the edges of her stool and spun until we were face-to-face, the change of position creating the illusion of privacy and removing the deliberate need for her to speak to me over her shoulder. I expected a protest but was pleasantly surprised when the only reaction I received was a raised brow.
“That’s better. Now, was Sam telling the truth? Are you interested in a no strings…friendship? Because I can promise I am a very accommodating friend. And you won’t find anyone less capable of strings than me,” I finished with a salacious smile full of carnal promise.
She leaned into me, her body already buying what I was selling. It was a moment of weakness I needed to capitalize on.
Splitting the distance between us, I locked my eyes onto hers, my mouth mere inches from her pouty lips. It was my last chance and I damn well knew it. Time for the most persuasive closing argument of my life.
“There aren’t many things I’m truly exceptional at. I’ll never be husband material. I’m a shit friend most of the time. I believe the ends usually justify the means. My moral fiber is questionable, at best. I will never be the person you call when you’re in a bind or need a shoulder to lean on. I don’t express my feelings, mostly because I don’t have any that aren’t shallow. I don’t like animals as a general rule, and children—no, just no,” I paused, asking myself what the hell I was saying as the same question echoed in her eyes. Too late now—in for a penny, in for a pound. “The only steadfast rule I have is I do not sleep with someone else’s woman—ever. Other than that one display of principles, I have few redeeming qualities. There are two areas I excel, the law and sex—and when I say I excel, I mean I’m a fucking god. You will forget your own name because all you’ll be able to do is scream mine…over and over again. You want no-strings, mind-blowing sex? There is no one better qualified.”
Her eyes were wide as saucers and her mouth slightly open, which I took as an invitation. Without warning, I closed the gap between us, brushing my lips against her silky pink ones. I took advantage of her shock and slid my tongue inside, tasting and teasing. It was a kiss meant to entice, not conquer—that would come later. I gently nipped her plump lower lip with my teeth and was rewarded with a sharp inhale of desire. She was so close to surrender I could taste it—sweet and hot, with a hint of vanilla and cranberry.
Her resistance collapsed, marked by the alluring breasts suddenly pressed against my chest—victory. I grasped her hips, pulling until she was pressed firmly against me, undoubtedly able to feel the steely effect of her kiss. As I subtly rocked my hips against her core, warm fingers twined through my hair, tugging me closer, causing a groan of pained pleasure to escape from my mouth into hers.
Unwilling to continue my exploration with a bar full of witnesses, I attempted to pull away—an attempt met with unintelligible protests. I couldn’t risk giving her an opportunity for second thoughts, so I did what any sane man would do. I slid my hands down to cup her lush ass, lifting until her legs wrapped around my waist, and without breaking the kiss, I carried her out of the bar. Perhaps I was more of a gentleman than I’d given myself credit for.
About the Author:
Genna Rulon is a contemporary romance author with a passion for blending comedy, tragedy, suspense, and hope to create her “book babies.”
During her 15 years in the corporate world, Genna—inspired by her love of reading—fantasized about penning her own stories. Encouraged by her favorite authors, many of whom are indie writers and self-published, she committed to pursue her aspirations of writing her own novels.
Genna was born in California and raised on Long Island in New York, where she still resides, surrounded by the most amazing family and friends. She’s married to a wonderful man who patiently tolerates her ramblings about whichever book she is currently working on—even feigning interest relatively convincingly! Genna is blessed with two little boys who do their best to thwart mommy’s writing time with their hilarious antics and charming extrapolations.
All of Genna’s books are brought to you courtesy of coffee and Disney Junior.
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