Allegiant (The Guardian Trilogy, #2) Synopsis
Last summer, Emma discovered that true love never dies.
It can return.
It can give you hope.
It can pull you from darkness.
Until it’s ripped from you.
As her 22nd birthday approaches, Emma Donohue finds herself back at school and utterly alone. Hours away from family and friends, her solitary days are spent contemplating what never should have been. James should never have died, but he did. He should never have been assigned as her Guardian, but he was. And she should never have allowed Dane to get too close to her heart.
But she failed.
Desperate to fill her time, Emma is intrigued by her mysterious new neighbor, Garrett. She’s never met anyone quite like him before, and, curious, she attempts to discover his past. Little does she know his presence will pull her into a world she could never imagine. A world that follows an ancient doctrine. A world built on loyalty, yet plagued by secrets and lies.
A world that will threaten everything – and everyone – she loves.
Allegiant is the second story in The Guardian Trilogy.
The third novel, Reborn, is complete and due to be published in February 2014.

My Review
Well, I can’t say that I am surprised…Sara Mack is lucky I live in New York, otherwise I would’ve resorted to kicking and screaming for a copy of Reborn…full on tantrum! That’s right Sara…how could you do this to me again? How? LOL.
To say this book is amazing is an understatement. Sara Mack continues to draw the reader into this complex world of love, loyalty and confusion. The characters all experience their own trauma at one point or another but they are all conflicted and all connected in some way. I had a few jaw dropping moments and I must say this is a cleverly crafted book. I could not believe the connections, the decisions made and the turn this book takes! The ending will leave you in a state of shock, but definitely craving more.
I love, love, love this book and I cannot wait for the final installment. I already know it is bound to be great. This is a fantastic follow-up to Guardian. The author has managed to…painfully…leave me hanging…again….I will reiterate my earlier sentiments from my review of Guardian that Sara Mack is indeed evil…yeah I said it…again 😛
All jokes aside this is a phenomenal book. I seriously recommend this trilogy to any Paranormal Romance lover…it is one of the best paranormal series I’ve read to date. You will be kept in suspense. The concept is beyond anything I could’ve imagined. The characters are faced with some incredible obstacles and tough decisions. Emma has one hell of a choice to make and although the book ends in a way that leaves me wondering if this can possibly go in a different direction later, I absolutely have no clue. I am astonished that Sara Mack might actually surprise me. It isn’t often that an author can do that to me so I must give credit where it’s due. I love that I am so unsure of what the final outcome will be and shocked at what has already come to pass.
What a story and boy do I love these characters…each and every one of them have managed to weasel their way into my heart and I am still torn between the love interests. This is a series that I can tell I have NO idea which way it will go and I can’t say I’d be angry with either outcome as all of these characters have been through hell and back. I just don’t know.
And now for some shouty capitals to express myself with a little oomph….THAT ENDING!!!! Brace yourselves!!!! I LOVE THIS BOOK. I LOVE GUARDIAN AND I’LL BE BOLD AND SAY I CANNOT WAIT TO READ REBORN!!!!!!! Sara…you’re still evil!
I didn’t want to give away too much from this book just know there will be plenty of James AND Dane in this book and a whole host of new wonderful characters (and some not so wonderful)!!! This is a series you truly have to experience to understand how great it is.
*This book was provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.*
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About the Author
Sara Mack is a Michigan native who grew up with her nose in books. She is a wife and a hockey mom on top of being trapped in a windowless office forty hours a week. Her spare time is spent one-clicking on Amazon and devouring books on her Kindle, cleaning up after her kids and two elderly cats, attempting to keep her flower garden alive, and, of course, writing. She has an unnatural affinity for dark chocolate, iced tea, and bacon. Guardian is her debut novel.
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