
Book Review: One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid



In her twenties, Emma Blair marries her high school sweetheart, Jesse. They build a life for themselves, far away from the expectations of their parents and the people of their hometown in Massachusetts. They travel the world together, living life to the fullest and seizing every opportunity for adventure.
On their first wedding anniversary, Jesse is on a helicopter over the Pacific when it goes missing. Just like that, Jesse is gone forever. Emma quits her job and moves home in an effort to put her life back together. Years later, now in her thirties, Emma runs into an old friend, Sam, and finds herself falling in love again. When Emma and Sam get engaged, it feels like Emma’s second chance at happiness.
That is, until Jesse is found. He’s alive, and he’s been trying all these years to come home to her. With a husband and a fiancé, Emma has to now figure out who she is and what she wants, while trying to protect the ones she loves.
Who is her one true love? What does it mean to love truly? Emma knows she has to listen to her heart. She’s just not sure what it’s saying. 




408067962_hrABOUT THE AUTHOR:
Taylor Jenkins Reid is an author and essayist from Acton, Massachusetts. She is the author of Forever, Interrupted, After I Do and Maybe In Another Life. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Alex, and her dog, Rabbit. You can follow her on Twitter @TJenkinsReid.


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Book Review 

*This was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.*

Once upon a time I hated romance novels. I hate love triangles, drama and most of all the mushy often cliché writing. I can’t stand to sit and read about flawless, imperfect people and people who don’t struggle or grow. In any novel these are things I still look for. Obviously, you all can tell my opinion of romance novels has changed. I do still have moments where I find a book too cheesy for my liking, but as I’ve grown older, my appreciation for the art of romance/adult fiction has evolved and I do love a good romance novel. Although I wouldn’t classify Taylor Jenkins Reid’s writing as simply romance, I’d say it could be categorized as contemporary adult/women’s fiction with romantic elements — with a lesson or two thrown into the mix. Definitely more along the lines of what I love to read. 
I discovered Taylor Jenkins Reid after reading Maybe in Another Life. I fell in love with her writing style and knew I had found a new author to follow. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on One True Loves. Her writing with Maybe in Another Life was quite profound and evoked pensive thoughts. I found this also to be true while reading One True Loves.  I’ve found her books have strong heroines that are faced with tough decisions, but they grow a great deal throughout the course of her novels. The lessons they learn and the experiences they endure are often difficult, but meaningful. Her writing generally has important life lessons that people neglect to really sit and ponder, but while reading you seem to find yourself thinking like you’ve never thought before. It’s actually one of the things I love most about her books. 
One True Loves is the type of book that will gut you and leave you an emotional wreck. The writing is beautiful, the emotions palpable leaving you with no choice but to keep reading, to keep devouring all that Taylor Jenkins Reid has to offer. This was an incredible read. I laughed, I cried, I smiled, I sighed. Emma experienced an unimaginable tragedy, one that left her unsure of how she’d continue on each day, but somehow she managed, somehow she dug herself out and started to rebuild. Life seemed better, it didn’t seem as painful, as hard to continue moving forward, that is until Jesse resurfaces only complicating and confusing her about what she thought she wanted and who she thought she was. 
I read One True Loves in one sitting The author does an incredible job building the story up and she will keep you guessing. I felt as though I experienced all the pain and loss that each of these characters were faced with. I empathized with each of them and even I had a difficult time figuring out who Emma would ultimately end up with. The funny thing is you will fall in love with all of them, so much so that the who matters less in the end than the journey that led them there. Her characters are perfectly flawed, they are complex, well developed, genuine and lovable. Just a fair warning, you may need a tissue or two while reading, this one will definitely gut you, but the angst is completely worth it. And as always with a Reid book, you may also learn a thing or two about yourself. Raw, poignant and completely heartfelt, One True Loves is an definite 5 star must read perfect for contemporary romance readers and the quintessential summer read. 


~ Happy Reading Lovelies ~


ONE TRUE LOVES by Taylor Jenkins Reid

Atria/Washington Square Press Paperback | ISBN: 9781476776903 | On sale: June 7, 2016 | 352 pages | $16.00

eBook: Atria/Washington Square Press | ISBN: 9781476776910 | On sale: June 7, 2016 | 352 pages | $11.99




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Hold On Tight (Taking Chances, #2) by Nicola Haken

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A figure from Dexter’s past has uprooted all the memories he has tried so desperately to bury… to forget. The terrible events of his past have been blown wide open once again, immersing him a pool of guilt deeper than he’s even experienced before.

Dexter feels powerless. The future he foolishly allowed himself to conceive is falling apart around him and there’s nothing he can do about it. But there’s one thing he can control – one thing he’s an expert at… blocking everything out. Losing all control, Dexter copes the only way he knows how – he dives so far into the well of addiction, the only thing that matters anymore is where his next fix is coming from.

Mission accomplished – there’s no one left. He’s successfully pushed everyone away. Nobody left to care about means no more guilt, right? You can’t hurt people who aren’t there…

But has he really pushed Emily as far away as he thinks he has? She’s given up everything for him – her home, her friends… her whole life. And she doesn’t regret a single thing. But can she save him from drowning, or has he finally sunk too far?

(Not suitable for those under 18 due to language, sexual content and explicit drug use)


Nicola Haken has undoubtedly taken my breath away with both Take My Hand (Taking Chances, #1) and Hold On Tight (Taking Chances, #2). I have fallen under her spell and am completely committed to finishing this series and any other books she releases!!! These books are raw and gritty. They’re incredibly real and oftentimes ugly. The struggles both Emily and Dexter endure make these books both beautiful and heartbreaking. I went through a roller coaster ride of emotions while facing some ugly truths about addiction and self worth. This book gives you a hard and fast reality check. It goes to show you just how easy someone can go from 0 to 10 and just how far one can be pushed before they wake up and say enough is enough. This is no usual love story though their romance is one you cling onto…tightly while hoping for the best. You won’t be sure of the outcome and I will say Nicola cleverly leaves this book in a similar fashion as Take My Hand…with your mouth open searching for the next page!

So what did I really think?

Let’s start with Emily shall we? She is undoubtedly one of the sweetest, most loving people, but she is also incredibly stubborn. She’s so wrapped up with Dexter and his problems that she fails to see her own shortcomings. She pushes everyone aside to tend to Dexter forgetting they may in fact need her as well. I understood her need to stand by her man and all, but she hid from everyone while trying to be the supportive and loving girlfriend. I didn’t actually feel the problem was that she did these things, in fact, I think it is actually what makes her human. My issue is that a lot of her issues were still unresolved. I know, I know, there will be a third book, but Emily just had a way about her that got to me. I loved how the author exposed Emily’s faults while still remaining committed to Dexter and his troubles. 

Most people become so engulfed with their own lives, they often fail to recognize the problems others are experiencing. I think this is what I like about Nicola Haken’s writing. She’s raw and not afraid to speak truth. She isn’t afraid to push boundaries and is able to create a  passionate and beautiful romance amid turmoil. Her characters are often incredibly flawed with real issues that affect not only them, but everyone in their lives.

Dexter, boy oh boy, did Dexter do a number on my head and my heart. I fell in love with him, but then he went and trampled all over my heart. Somehow he redeemed himself and I managed to  fall in love all over again…FYI – I forgive you for the trampling, but I still worry about you.  Dexter has an incredibly difficult and dark past. His life has been one tragic turn after another and his choices have led him to what can only be viewed as rock bottom. In Take My Hand, you learn a bit about Dexter’s troubled past and his struggles, but in Hold on Tight you actually experience these struggles first hand and let me tell you, it isn’t pretty. Things get ugly and the author does and excellent job bringing the reader into the world of addiction. This plays a heavy role in this book and I am still in awe of how I was able to envision every single detail as described. This makes me love Nicola Haken’s writing all the more. She took a very heavy, very difficult problem and made you walk through it from all sides…as Dexter, as Emily and even all the supporting characters and how they were affected. This is an incredible follow up to Take My Hand and I cannot wait for books three and four — Lean on Me (#3) and Never Let Go (#4). The story ended in a way that is going to drive you nuts and though I had my suspicions, the ending still got to me. 

I highly recommend this book for my new adult/adult fiction/contemporary romance fans. This is an intense book and not recommended for readers under 18 due to language, explicit drug use, and sexual content. 


Author BioNicola Haken

Nicola lives in Rochdale, England with her husband and four children (six if you include the dogs!) She is the author of New Adult/Contemporary romance novels Inevitable, Saving Amy and the Take My Hand series. When she is not busy playing with her imaginary book friends (or talking about them with real life friends!) she can usually be found carrying out her ordinary mum/housewife/all round slave duties. Oh, and if the kids ever ask, she moonlights as the Pink Power Ranger while they’re sleeping…

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