
A Missing Peace Blog Tour, Review/Favorite Quotes & Giveaway

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A turbulent, emotionally charged YA novel that breaks down barriers and challenges the status quo…
Angry, seventeen-year-old Iraqi war refugee Mirriam Yohanna hates her new life in Killeen, Texas, where the main attraction is a military base, populated with spoiled army brats like Caleb Miller.
Caleb has much to be angry about too, including Mirriam who turns him down flat in front of everyone. Eager for retribution, Caleb agrees to a dare that will see him take Mirriam to the prom and regain his pride.
But their relationship soon moves beyond high school antics. Mirriam and Caleb are bound together by more than location, and as they are forced to work closely together on a school assignment, they start to uncover an explosive story that has the potential to ruin lives — and both of their futures. One single truth changes everything and strengthens their bond.
When Mirriam’s family discovers their relationship, they decide it’s time to arrange her marriage to a proper Iraqi man. Caleb must convince Mirriam that he is in it for forever — or risk losing her for good. 


This was one of the best books I’ve read all summer in fact I think it may be one of the best books I’ve read this year. This book is considered Young Adult but I feel it caters to anyone who is politically minded, interested in current events or someone who generally enjoys a forbidden romance. I highly recommend this book to all readers. 

The truest statement I’ve ever read in a synopsis –
“A turbulent, emotionally charged YA novel that breaks down barriers and challenges the status quo…”
That description absolutely nails this book!
Let’s start with my own summary
Mirriam Yohanna an Iraqi refugee comes to Killeen, TX – a military town. Mirriam harbors more baggage than the average American teenager. She intends to keep to herself until graduation when she can leave this town behind and all the small-minded people who live in it. That is her plan, until she meets Caleb Miller. Caleb is an All-American teenage dream. He’s a football player and everyone loves him. He’s also an army brat…in Mirriam’s opinion. They have a few run-ins that first day of school, but it isn’t until Caleb’s buddies set a bet, one that Caleb willingly agrees to take on. His goal is to get her to go to prom with him but only to recover from her blowing him off in front of his friends.
Lucky for him Mirriam walks into his Government class. He volunteers to partner up with Mirriam in order to get closer to her. The class begins and Mirriam silently listens on as her teacher speaks of Iraq in a manner that Mirriam disagrees with. She can’t stand the propaganda and speaks up causing an all out debate to ensue, leaving both Mirriam and Caleb arguing over who is right and who is wrong concerning the war. Caleb admits he lost his dad in Iraq and Mirriam tells the story of her father dying at the hands of an American solider. Each carry the weight of losing a beloved parent neither knowing just how much they have in common.
Why did I love this book? 
The short, easy answer is: it’s a great book. It was well written with an excellent storyline and two lovable protagonists! The political aspect intrigued me and it basically challenged the way many people think about politics, government and war. I loved that! I am a junkie when it comes to politics and government so that aspect of the story stuck with me the most. The book is romantic but it covers a wide range of serious topics, the story just fell together beautifully for me. 
Beth Fred really creates a powerful tale of two young people who are on a quest for truth and justice! Ha! That sounds like I’m discussing a comic book hero but in all seriousness this book evoked a strong sense of the human spirit overall. The ability for us to look past our differences, to coexist, even love. I felt that I personally could relate to this story so I think that also played a huge part of why I loved it so much.
I wouldn’t mind a sequel…K, thanks Beth haha 😉
Favorite Quotes  
I tried to choose a few of my favorite quotes that wouldn’t give too much of the storyline away. I feel this is a book everyone needs to read and interpret in their own way and I felt it was important to keep certain aspects of this review spoiler free.

“We’re there to keep terrorists from doing things like that.”
A single tear rolled down my face. In spite of this, I let out a laugh. “Except, he was shot by an American soldier.” Caleb’s mouth gaped. He rocked back in his chair and didn’t say anything else.”


“Sure, friends,” I said, “but it’s probably a good idea to do something that doesn’t require us to talk much.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Caleb, I call what the U.S. did to us an ‘invasion’. You call it ‘aid’, and I don’t think either one of us are changing our minds anytime soon.” 
He nodded, both defiant and sympathetic in a single motion.” 


“Won’t happen.”
“Try me.” 
Instead of looking for a reply, I took a huge chance. The kind of risk you could easily regret. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. It didn’t take long to force her lips open. She clasped one hand around each of my arms and squeezed tightly. She was kissing back. It was perfect.”


“She stepped out the door then turned back, grabbed my face and kissed me with an urgency she hadn’t before. 
I held onto her and pressed her body to mine until I realized she had no plans of breaking this. When her body started to curl around mine, I pulled away. “It’s going to be okay. I promise, M. I meant what I said. I won’t let anyone take you from me.” 

I could go on and on but I seriously want you all to go out and get this book. It’s worth the read!
Purchase A Missing Peace for Kindle  |  Nook  |  Paperback


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About the Author
Meet Beth Fred! A full time ELF keeper and part time writer/blogger/writing instructor. Beth likes her tea hot, her romance sweet, and her guys chivalrous. Real men hold open doors, refer to you as ma’am, make promises they keep, and aren’t afraid to profess their undying love. It’s not breakfast if there aren’t carbs (at least, not in the South). Fajitas, carnitas, and churros are just a few of Beth’s favorite things. Bet you can’t guess where she’s from.   

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Crossing by Stacey Benefiel Blog Tour, Review & Giveaway

*Due to heavy subject matter, Crossing is recommended for readers 17+. 
He stole her lipstick…and her heart.Twenty-year-old Dani Walker can’t believe her luck when she’s paired up with the gorgeous Liam Garrett as her Acting I scene partner – or when he ends up in her bed. Being a Plain Jane with a mouth on her hasn’t exactly served Dani well in the guy department. In fact, she’s had nothing but one night stands. Still, she lets go of her insecurities and falls for Liam, despite feeling like he’s holding something back.When Dani finally discovers Liam’s secret, she must learn the true meaning of accepting the ones we love for who they are, or risk losing the best thing that’s ever happened to her. 
Here are my thoughts……….
I really enjoyed reading this book, but it took an unexpected yet somehow refreshing turn for me. While I was able to roll with it, see it through and actually enjoy it — I will be honest and say this may not be for every reader. With that said, I do recommend this for anyone who is open-minded/nonjudgmental; anyone who is accepting of others no matter their beliefs, practices or preferences. This author surprised me but I liked the fact that I didn’t necessarily expect some of the turns along this somewhat bumpy ride.
Lets start with Dani. Twenty-year old Dani is a sophomore in college looking for a change of direction. She switches her English education major to what she has longed to do since starting college — Theatre. There she befriends Liam. Beautiful, Liam, who actually can keep up with her witty remarks and for some reason they become quite comfortable around one another. They become scene partners and slowly, but surely a romance begins to blossom. There is a lot of playful and witty banter throughout this book – which I absolutely loved.
Dani has a problem, she is a master at self-depreciation. She uses her wit to downplay a lot of her so called flaws. She doesn’t believe a man like Liam could like her or even love her. She’s been through a lot, but never been in love or even had a relationship beyond a one night stand. Liam refuses to be a notch on her list and wants more than anything to show her how special she is. The fall into an easy yet comfortable relationship but Liam has a secret…one that could possibly change the course of their relationship permanently. While Dani suspects Liam is keeping something from her, she cares so deeply for him she is afraid to question him for fear of losing him. Things get complicated and Dani must decide if this relationship is worth sticking out or if she is in over her head?
I definitely fell in love with both characters. Dani is a loving, accepting individual who cares deeply for her friends and Liam. They both accept one another and encourage each other in ways others can’t possibly understand. Their relationship transcends boundaries and is quite inspiring. I really enjoyed the humor, the love, and the uniqueness of this book. 
While I really enjoyed this very sweet, unconventional love story it may not be a read for those who are of the narrow/close-minded persuasion. If you’re an open-minded individual, this is a book you will enjoy, even love. I definitely did. 

*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.*

Purchase Crossing for Kindle  |  Nook  |  Paperback


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About the Author 

Stacey Wallace Benefiel is the author of the Zellie Wells trilogy, FOUND, the Day of Sacrifice series, The Toilet Business – a collection of essays,CROSSING, and multiple short stories.

She sometimes goes by S.W. Benefiel or Reina Stowe, but knows she’s not foolin’ anybody.

Stacey lives in an orange house in Beaverton, OR with her two young children 

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Finding Love’s Wings Book Review


CAMERON ENDERS seems to have it all: a brand new condo in a city she loves, a top executive position at an international entertainment firm, an insane amount of money, and a gorgeous boyfriend. But when Cami catches the boyfriend in the act with another woman, it triggers all the anguish from years of neglect by her parents, and she realizes she never learned how to love or be loved. Cami flees to the remote tropical island of Tarah, but she can’t avoid facing her problems any longer when she meets the man of her fantasies…

TRISTAN MICHAELS, one of Hollywood’s hottest new stars, has come to Tarah to ride out a storm. His girlfriend of five years has been caught on camera cheating, and she’s determined to make Tristan stop the story from breaking.

But Tristan’s done cleaning up her messes. He needs to escape all things Hollywood for a while–and especially the firm that represents him–until the whole thing blows over. What he doesn’t count on is meeting an irresistibly beautiful woman, a woman who just so happens to be the CEO of the firm he’s trying to avoid.

Can Tristan and Cami help each other learn to trust and love again, or will their histories of betrayal tear them apart?


Omg I looooove this book. I love Tristan! I love the body art and piercings. I love the chemistry. I just love everything about it. Zoey Derrick, you have a fan! I am ready for book 2…like now!

What happened?

Cameron Enders and Tristan Michaels both are trying to flee their lives for similar reasons. They both want to clear their heads without anyone finding them. Somehow they both decide to head to the remote island of  Tarah.

Tristan is trying to escape a very public scandal surrounding his ex-girlfriend Layla, while Cami is trying to move forward with her life. In the wake of her ex-boyfriend’s infidelity she’s determined to disappear for a while. She’s grown weary of meaningless relationships. She wants more out of life but is unsure that she knows the first thing about love…until she meets Tristan.

Unbeknownst to Cami, Tristan first spots her in the first class lounge at LAX and he’s instantly drawn to her tattoo. He sees the wings on her back as a sign and is determined to know who they belong to. Hoping they’re on the same flight, he carefully watches her, until he is swarmed by fans and paparazzi. He loses sight of her, but somehow they end up in the same hotel.

Tristan isn’t the only one who is smitten. Cami has known who Tristan Michaels is for years. She’s seen his face plastered on billboards and magazines and something about him has always been soothing to her. She finds comfort in his eyes before ever meeting him. She’s always felt a pull but could never describe it, then suddenly, he’s thrust into her life and they’re both falling hard and fast.

Though both have been broken down by their pasts. Somehow they find solace in one another.

What I loved?

Oh wait, did I say that already?
What else, Tristan! Lol that’s not a typo just me expressing my undying love for him! He is so hot! Oh and Tyson, yeah, I like him too!

Zoey Derrick is truly gifted when it comes to her descriptive writing. The intimate encounters will make you blush!  If you’re a fan of body art and piercings like I am, you will definitely appreciate this book. This book had my full attention and I finished it in less than 24 hours! The main characters were lovable and their courtship was rather sensual. This was a fun summer read.

What I hated?
Listen here Zoey, I want the next book and I want it now. lol 😉

Purchase Finding Love’s Wings for Kindle or Paperback

Hold On My Heart Book Review


*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.


To build a future, sometimes you have to tear down the past…

Chicago event planner Libby Hamilton can turn any bland setting into a dramatic venue – but when she abruptly loses her job, and her fair-weather boyfriend moves to another state, Libby suddenly finds herself back in the tiny town she grew up in. Worse than that, her father wants help transforming an old schoolhouse into a vintage ice cream parlor and Libby must trade in her power suits for power tools.

Widowed restoration specialist Tom Murphy can rebuild just about anything – except the shattered relationship he shares with his teenaged daughter. Hired by Libby’s father, Tom isn’t interested in sharing the details of his personal life with beautiful, spunky Libby. He just wants to get the job done. But she is tenacious – and sexy – and it doesn’t take long before she breaks down his walls, builds up his hope, and gets a hold on his heart that won’t let go.


This is actually my first Tracy Brogan book, but after reading Hold On My Heart…I know it will not be my last. This book is delightful, witty and heart-warming. The author’s descriptive language shows that she is truly a gifted writer. She pulled me into this small town world and I loved every minute of it.

We’re introduced to Libby in the first chapter. She is a woman who returns to her small town home after her corporate career abruptly comes to an end, all thanks to an email. Libby appears to be an accident-prone klutz, but something about her is endearing. Her retired father pulls her into his latest harebrained scheme — opening an old fashioned ice cream parlor. The author creates a vivid image of Libby’s quirky, sometimes comedic family but you love them nonetheless. Libby’s father hires Tom Murphy (who in my opinion is deliciously sexy) to restore his investment and Libby’s first encounter with Tom is rather amusing. Despite her embarrassing first impression, Libby’s curiosity gets the best of her.  Her interest in Tom grows while Tom resents his interest in Libby. She is loquacious and drives Tom mad but there is something about her he can’t shake. Slowly he begins to open up to her. While these two grapple with their feelings, you will undoubtedly root for their happy ever after.  This is a great summer read. I read it in one sitting. The story is realistic, well written and utterly charming. I highly recommend this to readers who enjoy a good romance with a dash of comedy.

Purchase this book for Kindle or Purchase this book in Paperback

More on this author:

Out Of Breath (The Breathing Series, #3)

Rebecca Donovan’s third installment of The Breathing Series — Out of Breath is finally here!


I’ve eagerly anticipated the release of this book since reading the first two in the series. The second book left me on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait to start this one. If you haven’t already read Reason to Breathe or Barely Breathing what are you waiting for? These books are amazing. I could not put them down. I’ll admit, the first book ended with a crazy cliffhanger but it was well worth the read. The second book left me in awe. I sat wondering, guessing and hoping. I thought the suspense would surely kill me. But here we are…July 2nd release and I’m starting my copy today!!! Go ahead and add it to your goodreads shelf and while you’re at it go on and order yourself a copy!


Order for Kindle or Order in Paperback

Losing Hope Book Review


*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.


In the follow-up to Colleen Hoover’s #1 New York Times bestseller Hopeless, the charming and irresistible Dean Holder tells the passionate story that has melted thousands of hearts.

In Hopeless, Sky left no secret unearthed, no feeling unshared, and no memory forgotten, but Holder’s past remained a mystery.

Still haunted by the little girl he let walk away, Holder has spent his entire life searching for her in an attempt to finally rid himself of the crushing guilt he has felt for years. But he could not have anticipated that the moment they reconnect, even greater remorse would overwhelm him…

Sometimes in life, if we wish to move forward, we must first dig deep into our past and make amends. In Losing Hope, bestselling author Colleen Hoover reveals what was going on inside Holder’s head during all those hopeless moments—and whether he can gain the peace he desperately needs.”


First of all I just have to say…this book is fucking incredible. I am still in tears. I am so not a crier, but what can I say, Colleen Hoover writes so beautifully that I am touched by every single word she writes.

Holder…what an incredible, loving, supportive person he is! I love Holder, everything about him. I absolutely love books written in male POV. Something just makes you fall deeper in love with the men of the book and I will say I even fell more in love with Breckin and Daniel after this read! Oh, but Colleen you have now made me curious about Daniel’s story…hmmm…maybe you can write a book about it? I’ll even settle for a novella…short story…essay? LOL

Reading this book was like opening presents on Christmas. I was incredibly moved by the outpouring of love and devotion throughout this book. You fall in love with Sky and Holder reading Hopeless. It is a heartbreaking yet incredibly touching story. Hopeless broke my heart and warmed it all at once. I found the same to be true when I read Losing Hope. Somehow I managed to fall deeper in love with Holder this time around and I did NOT think that was possible. I thought I’d maxed out my love for him with Hopeless but Losing Hope lived up to every expectation I had and then some!

The book is phenomenal. I highly recommend it and if you have yet to read Hopeless please do me a favor and order yourself a copy! I would hate for anyone to miss out on an opportunity to experience these emotionally-charged books. I’m still reeling from my own experience!

Losing Hope is slated for release on July 8, 2013 

HOPELESS is available on Amazon Kindle for only $0.99  (LIMITED TIME) order your copy today and while you’re at it…

Pre-order Losing Hope for Kindle or Pre-Order Losing Hope in Paperback

About the Author:

Wicked Wednesday


Today’s pick is The Opportunist. I’ve had this book on my To-Read shelf for months and I finally read it this morning. Let me just say WOW. It is the first book in the Love Me With Lies series by Tarryn Fisher. The minute I started reading this book it pulled me in and captured my attention from start to finish. I held on to every single word.

Olivia, Olivia, Olivia jeez sometimes I wanted to scream at her  for all her hare-brained ideas and other times I didn’t know whether I felt sorry for her or if I actually understood her desperation. I loved how the author switched between past and present day. It allowed you to take the journey with Caleb and Olivia in a way that made you fall in love with them. And Caleb….dear sweet Caleb, oh how I love him!

The book starts in present day. Caleb and Olivia are not speaking for some unknown reason at this point…

Caleb apparently has amnesia from an accident and doesn’t remember Olivia. She takes advantage of this opportunity to find a way back into his life…as short lived as it may be, she wants in. Guilty as she feels she can’t give him up…not again.

I really hate giving things away it’s always difficult for me to write a review without feeling like something I say will spoil it for the reader. So I will just say this…

The Opportunist is a must read! The ending! OMG!  Go read this…NOW!

I am still going through a lot emotionally after reading this so I will post a more in depth review…which will likely have spoilers at a later time…here’s the goodreads synopsis:

“Olivia Kaspen has just discovered that her ex-boyfriend, Caleb Drake, has lost his memory. With an already lousy reputation for taking advantage of situations, Olivia must decide how far she is willing to go to get Caleb back. Wrestling to keep her true identity and their sordid past under wraps, Olivia’s greatest obstacle is Caleb’s wicked, new girlfriend; Leah Smith. It is a race to the finish as these two vipers engage in a vicious tug of war to possess a man who no longer remembers them. But, soon enough Olivia must face the consequences of her lies, and in the process discover that sometimes love falls short of redemption.”

Buy The Opportunist

More about the author:

Five Summer Book Releases

My list of anticipated summer book releases:


Killing Sarai by J.A. Redmerski (June 20, 2013)

I CANNOT wait to read this one. First of all I must say I fell in LOVE with The Edge of Never, which was my first J.A. Redmerski book. I was hooked! Reading the excerpt/synopsis of this book makes me think I will love it just as much.

Pre-Order here for Kindle


Out of Breath (Book 3) by Rebecca Donovan (July 2, 2013)

OMG. I read both Reason to Breathe and Barely Breathing in two days. I could not put them down. And the cliffhangers OMG. How could you do that to me Rebecca Donovan??? How??? lol. I really really really loved the books. I wanted to choke Emma at times but the books were great.  Barely Breathing left me in such suspense! I need to breathe again Rebecca I seriously need to breathe. Good thing I’ll be able to do that on July 2nd. This book…I cannot put into words how much I want to read it! I can’t wait to see what happens next!

Pre-Order here for Kindle or Paperback

The Distance Between Us by Kasie West


Another July 2nd release. I’ve never read any Kasie West books but this one sounds interesting…and what a lovely cover. I don’t judge books by covers but some definitely grab my attention and this one did!
Pre-order here on Kindle or Paperback


Losing Hope (Book 2) by Colleen Hoover (July 9, 2013)

You all know how much I love Colleen Hoover books so I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am for this release. I fell in LOVE with Hopeless. I also cried a bucket. The book was intense. The issues were real and watching Sky and Holder’s relationship develop….sigh…Holder ahhh I love books written in male POV! This one is going to be EPIC.

Pre-order for Kindle July 9, 2013 or Paperback October 15, 2013


Left Drowning by Jessica Park (July 16, 2013)

Jessica Park has quickly become one of my preferred authors to read. She’s amazingly witty and I am so in love with Flat-Out Love and more recently Flat-Out Matt….really I’m just in love with Matt but the books were amazing. This story sounds achingly beautiful. I have an ARC that I meant to start this weekend but unfortunately I didn’t have a chance to! I plan on reading it this week…I have no doubt I will be blown away!

Pre order for Kindle or Paperback

Forever Too Far Book Review

OK guys and gals. I finally read Forever Too Far last night and let me just say OMG.
When I say I loved this book…I freaking loved it! Rush…sigh…he’s so dreamy ℓσℓ.
This book was absolute perfection! This is a must read! In fact, if you haven’t read the series you NEED to read ALL 3 books…like right now!

Without giving too much away I definitely smell a Grant book in the works…let’s hope it’s soon!
Excuse me while I continue to swoon. I will resume this review at a later time…just kidding.

The book begins where we leave off in Never Too Far, we finally get to know the elusive Dean Finlay a little better. Of course Rush and Blaire have their ups and downs mostly because of his psychotic temper tantrum throwing sister Nan! More on her later.

We also meet Harlow who I won’t share many details about to avoid giving too much away. Just know that I am dreaming of the next book where Harlow has an integral role…in my head this is already happening…Abbi Glines don’t crush my hopes and dreams ℓσℓ

Back to Rush and Blaire. They have their ups and downs but they are so deeply connected. Their love is so impenetrable that I couldn’t help but shed a tear..or two…or four ok whatever don’t judge me I cried like a baby because, well, you know what, here’s a quote from the book but that’s all I will give away. You all are going to have to grab your own copy if you want to know what happens next!


This was my grandmother’s. My father’s mother. She came to visit me before she passed away. I have fond memories of her visits and when she passed on she left this ring to me. In her will I was told to give it to the woman who completes me. She said it was given to her by my grandfather who passed away when my dad was just a baby but that she’d never loved another the way she’d loved him. He was her heart. You are mine.

This is your something old.

I love you,


Excerpt From: Glines, Abbi. “Forever Too Far.”

Jeez if that didn’t make you tear up, swoon or sigh; If reading that didn’t make you feel something, anything at all, you’re obviously not of this earth. Kindly leave your info below so I can look into donating you to science!

Anyways, back to Nan…or not. I swear she could’ve all together disappeared and I certainly wouldn’t have missed her. She had such negative energy. She was such a toxic person throughout the book. The hardships and difficulties she faced growing up came into question but in my opinion she was way too immature and refused to acknowledge her part in her creating her own misery. I also wouldn’t be surprised if there was a book about Nan, though I wouldn’t be inclined to read it…even if she is my favorite character to hate! ℓσℓ

All in all I enjoyed this book. I loved every hot and steamy minute of it….and let’s just say there were quite a few. Even with all the drama it was well worth the read so check it out! It is also a quick read.  The ending was decent but I feel like it left a little to be desired. I wouldn’t say it was a bad ending just that the book was left in such a way that if the author chose to continue she could but still sort of perfect. Sigh…who will I swoon over now?

Grab the series here:

#1 Fallen Too Far
#2 Never Too Far
#3 Forever Too Far


The Dirty Dozen

Below are a list of my Top 12 must read picks.
They are listed in no particular order. If you don’t see a book that you absolutely loved chances are: a) I haven’t read it yet or b) we have a difference of opinion.
For more info on a book click on the image below.

Happy Reading!

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