
Sweet Thing Release Event & Giveaway

Sweet Thing Cover

Book Description:

Mia Kelly is a twenty-five-year-old walking Gap ad who thinks she has life figured out when her father’s sudden death uproots her from slow-paced Ann Arbor to New York City’s bustling East Village. There she discovers her father’s spirit for life and the legacy he left behind with the help of an old café, a few eccentric friends, and one charming musician.

Will Ryan is good-looking, poetic, spontaneous, and on the brink of fame when he meets Mia, his new landlord, muse, and personal heartbreaker.

A story of self-discovery and friendship, Sweet Thing shines light on the power of loving and letting go.


Sweet Thing will be on sale for $2.99 from July 24th to August 2nd

 Purchase for Kindle  | Nook  | Kobo  | iBooks  |  Paperback

Renee Carlino

About the Author

Renee’s first friends were the imaginary kind and even though her characters haven’t gone away, thankfully the delusions have. She admits she’s a wildly hopeless romantic and she blames 80’s movies staring Molly Ringwald for that. She lives in Southern California with her husband, two sons, and their sweet dog June. When she’s not at the beach with her boys or working on the next book, she likes to spend her time reading, going to concerts, and eating dark chocolate.

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Enter for your chance to win one (1) of five (5) signed paperback copies of Sweet Thing

EXCERPT 4: from Fledglings

“I made it to my gate on time; there was no sign of Lauren. I breathed a sigh of relief and then I directed a brief request to the universe asking that it seat a tired  antisocial traveler in the seat next to me. I boarded and found my seat quickly. I threw my bag in the overhead bin, sat down, and began my preflight ritual: super fuzzy socks on, ear buds in, Damien Rice on the iPod, travel pillow around the neck. I was ready. The window seat remained empty as the last few passengers came on board. I had a ridiculous grin on my face, prematurely thanking the universe for leaving the seat empty until I glanced up and saw this guy headed toward me. I have to admit, he was gorgeous, but as soon as I saw the guitar case, my stomach turned sour. 

Oh no, please world, do not let this egoist, wannabe, probably smelly musician sit next to me.

As he approached he blurted out a breathy shout. “Hey!” Pausing, he looked right into my eyes—my soul—and said, “Do you want the window seat? It’s all yours if you do.”

“Huh? Uh, no thanks.” What the hell is this guy doing?

 “I’m a terrible flier,” he said, hesitating. “Please, I need to be in the aisle, I’m sorry, do you mind? I’m Will, by the way…”

Moving to the window seat, I mumbled, “Yeah, fine, you can sit there. I’m Mia.” I stuck my hand up in a motionless wave, intentionally avoiding a handshake.

Don’t get me wrong, I love music; I live for it. I’m classically trained on the piano and I can hold my own on almost any instrument. Naturally, growing up in Ann Arbor, every kid played the freakin’ cello, but I had a knack for music in general, much of which I owed to my father. During the summers in New York, he exposed me to world music, rock and roll, blues, jazz, you name it, then I would go home and work on Rachmaninoff’s Opus 23 all winter long. Playing the piano the way I was taught, combined with the loose methods my father encouraged during those summers, always created this blend of discipline and revolution in my style. I tried to embrace the blend, but sometimes it felt like a conflict.

I believe my mother was drawn to my father’s love of music, his free spirit and beatnik ways, although she would never admit that. She refers to what she had with him as one wild week for a very naïve nineteen-year-old. It was the summer of 1982 and she had been in Cape Cod on a family vacation when she and a couple of friends decided to take a day trip to New York. One day turned into five, and my mother returned to Cape Cod knocked up. My father owned it from the beginning, but my grandparents wouldn’t allow their teenage daughter to move to New York, unmarried and pregnant. As I got older I wondered why my father hadn’t followed my mother to Ann Arbor. I knew he wanted to take responsibility for me and I knew he cared for mother, but I don’t think he was ever a one-woman kind of man. His lifestyle was so far removed from anything that resembled domesticity.

After I was born we lived with my grandparents while my mother attended the University of Michigan, eventually acquiring a law degree. That’s where she met David, and they’ve been inseparable ever since, even practicing law at the same firm. I think my stepdad provided my mother with the sense of stability that my father couldn’t… or wouldn’t. I admired David for that. He treated me like his own and even though sometimes I disagreed with him, especially as a teenager, I always felt loved by him.

In the beginning my father would come visit me for long weekends here and there until I was old enough to travel to New York for the summers. He and David had an enormous amount of respect for each other, even though they couldn’t have been more different. What they had in common was an unconditional love for my mother and me. After my father became aware of the fact that I called David “Dad,” he simply said, “He is your dad, luv, just like me, but to keep it straight why don’t you call me Pops?” And so I did.

My mother’s group of androgynous, pseudointellectual friends would have referred to me as the ultimate indiscretion if it weren’t for the fact that I was gifted musically, Valedictorian at my high school, and now an Ivy League graduate. Choosing a business major over the arts at Brown was a surprise to everyone, but I yearned for a more organic experience when it came to music. I didn’t want to spend one more minute trudging through a Bach piece while being hypnotized by the metronome. I wanted a degree I could use and I wanted music to be my hobby. I’m still wondering how I’m going to use that degree…

I had shut the window screen, my eyes and brain off to the world, when I was jolted by the weight of my own bag being tossed onto the seat next to me. My eyes darted open and up to Will, who was forcefully rearranging everything in the overhead bin.

“Sorry, baby, I’ve got to make room for her,” he said, grabbing his guitar and hoisting it up.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of him personifying his guitar. He grabbed my bag, shoved it in the bin, and collapsed into his seat. I shot him a slightly annoyed look. “Why didn’t you request an aisle seat?” I asked.

“Well, you see, sweetheart, I like to be right behind the emergency exit. I’ll hop over this seat, jump out the door, and be down that super slide in a split second,” he said with an arrogant smile.

“Then why not request the exit aisle?”

“I am not the person for that job, trust me.”

“Damn, chivalry is dead. It doesn’t matter anyway; our lives are in the hands of these hopefully sober pilots and this nine-hundred-thousand-pound hunk of metal, so…”

“Can we stop talking about this? I don’t think you understand.” He pulled a rosary out of his pocket and proceeded to put it around his neck.

“Something tells me you have no idea what that’s for,” I said, giggling. “Are you Catholic?” He was desperately trying to peel a tiny price tag label off one of the beads. “Oh my god, you bought that in the airport gift store, huh?”

Putting his finger to his mouth, he said, “Shhh! Woman, please!” He looked around as if he would be found out. “Of course I’m Catholic.”

A light chuckle escaped my mouth. “Well, God would know, so wearing that around your neck instead of chanting your Hail Marys is probably pissing the big guy off, and that’s not good for any of us.”

He let out a nervous laugh and then whispered, “Hey, little firecracker, you like taunting me, don’t you?” Waiting for my response, he looked directly into my eyes and smiled cutely.

I suddenly felt bashful and shook my head nervously. “Sorry.”

Still smiling, he squinted slightly and then winked before looking away and pulling a stack of pamphlets out of the seat-back pocket.

While he reviewed the safety information flier, we began taxiing toward the runway. I noticed a few things in that moment. One, Will was universally attractive; even though he dressed a little edgier and had slightly imperfect teeth, he could have easily been a print model. He stood a tad over six feet, was thin with muscular arms, maybe from years of playing guitar. He had brown, disheveled hair and dark eyes, a chiseled jaw, high cheekbones, and great lips. As he read he mouthed the words, the way a child reads silently.

Two, he didn’t smell bad at all—as a matter fact, he smelled heavenly. A mixture of body wash, sandalwood, and just a hint of cigarette smoke, which would normally repulse me, but for some reason it suited him. He wore black pinstriped slacks that hung on his thin hips, a silver-studded belt with a wallet chain, and a red T-shirt that said “Booyah!” above a silk-screened picture of Hilary and Bill Clinton playing Ping-Pong. I didn’t get it.

Three, he was genuinely scared to fly and it was apparent that he would be white- knuckling it the entire way. I made the decision to try to calm his nerves by being friendly and chatting him up.

The pilot came on and announced we were cleared for takeoff. “Jesus Christ! Did he sound drunk to you?” Will blurted.

“Not at all. Relax, buddy, everything will be fine and you should probably tone down the Jesus Christs, at least while you’re still wearing that thing.” I pointed to the rosary around his neck. He looked down at the beads like they were about to perform a circus act.

Nervously he said, “Hey, hey can you open that screen? I need to see us get off the ground.” I obliged as he peered over me and out the window.

“You’re funny, Will. You want to sit in the aisle seat, yet here you are, leaning over me to look out the window.”

Ignoring my comment, he took a deep breath in through his nose, tilted his head to the side, and with a half smile whispered, “You smell good, like rain.” I was totally caught off guard by his proximity; a delicious chill ran through me.

“What kind of guitar do you have?” I asked abruptly, attempting to change the subject.

“Um… an electric guitar?” The answer was like a question. “No, I know that. What kind?”

“Oh, it’s a Fender.” He squinted his eyes and smiled. He seemed somewhat charmed and probably grateful that we were talking about guitars while the plane was barreling full speed down the runway. He gripped the armrest, still not totally at ease.

“Is it a Telecaster, Stratocaster…?”

“As a matter of fact it’s a blond Tele. I also have a Gibson acoustic and a vintage Harmony at home.”

“I love the old Harmony guitars. On my fifth birthday my father gave me his H78. It was the first guitar he bought with his own money. He ordered it from a Sears catalog in 1970.”

His eyes shot open with surprise. “That’s awesome. Your father must be a cool guy.”

“He just passed away a month ago.”

“Shit… I’m so sorry,” he said with genuine sympathy.

“It’s okay, but I’d rather not talk about it right now. Let’s talk about guitars,” I said, realizing it would be for both our benefits.

When we hit cruising altitude, he relaxed a little and began describing the magical pickups on the Harmony and the modifications he’d made to the Telecaster. He clearly knew what he was talking about and I found his enthusiasm sweet.

We continued into an easy conversation about our favorite musicians. We agreed on everything from Led Zeppelin to Bette Midler. We talked about Miles Davis, Joni Mitchell, Debussy, the Naizi Brothers, and Edith Piaf. It was the most intense and diverse musical conversation I’d ever had. We talked nonstop for the entire length of the flight.

I told him about my musical background and also how I was going to live in my father’s apartment with my yellow lab, Jackson, and run his café, maybe teach piano lessons on the side. He told me how he was working as a bartender in a swanky boutique hotel lounge in SoHo. He said at the moment he was living in a literal storage closet in Chinatown until he could afford an apartment. He was playing guitar in a band that he wasn’t too excited about. Between practice and his job and the few gigs they played a month, he was never home.

I thought about my spare bedroom for a second and then pushed the idea out of mind when I reminded myself that Will was a complete stranger. Even though I found his neuroses more endearing than scary, I figured inviting a struggling musician to live with me was not the best idea.

As the plane started to descend, Will gripped the armrest. “Mia, we’re going down. I need to know everything about you right now! How old are you, what’s your last name, what street do you live on? If we make it out of this, I think we should jam together, you know, musically or whatever.”

He was being adorable. My body tingled with warmth from his gaze. I shifted nervously before answering, “My last name is Kelly, I’ll be at my father’s café most days—Kell’s on Avenue A. Come and have a coffee with me sometime and we’ll talk music. Oh, and I’m twenty-five.”

When we were safely on the ground, he smiled sweetly and said in a low voice, “We both have double first names. I’m Will Ryan, twenty-nine. I live at 22 Mott Street in the storage closet. I work at the Montosh. I’m O negative, you know, the universal one and I play in a band called The Ivans. Oh, and I love coffee. It was nice to meet you, Mia.”

“It was nice to meet you too.”

“We made it,” he said, pointing out the window as we taxied to the gate. “You know they say people who have stared death in the face are bonded for life?”

I laughed. “Your antics are cute, Will.”

“I was going for irresistible,” he said with a brazen smirk. He handed me my bag and let me go in front of him. His warm breath on my neck caused me to shiver and stumble in the aisle. He chuckled. “You’re cute.” When another passenger jetted out of his seat, bumping me, Will blurted out, “Hey! Watch it, buddy!” I turned around to his sexy smile. His lips flattened, he narrowed his eyes and then whispered, “See, baby, chivalry isn’t dead.”

When I stepped out into the crisp March, New York air, I sensed him walking behind me, but I didn’t turn around. I walked straight up to the first available cab, hopped in, shut the door, and shouted, “Manhattan!” As we pulled away from the curb, I glanced over at Will. He was blowing a lungful of smoke into the air with curiosity in his eyes like he was listening to God. His gaze met mine and with a larger-than-life wave, he mouthed the words, “Goodbye, Mia.” I thought I caught “Sweet Thing” just as he left my view.”


A Missing Peace Cover Reveal & Giveaway

0913 Missing Peace_500

Publisher: Escape Publishing

A turbulent, emotionally charged YA novel that breaks down barriers and challenges the status quo…

Angry, seventeen-year-old Iraqi war refugee Mirriam Yohanna hates her new life in Killeen, Texas, where the main attraction is a military base, populated with spoiled army brats like Caleb Miller.

Caleb has much to be angry about too, including Mirriam who turns him down flat in front of everyone. Eager for retribution, Caleb agrees to a dare that will see him take Mirriam to the prom and regain his pride.

But their relationship soon moves beyond high school antics. Mirriam and Caleb are bound together by more than location, and as they are forced to work closely together on a school assignment, they start to uncover an explosive story that has the potential to ruin lives — and both of their futures. One single truth changes everything and strengthens their bond.

When Mirriam’s family discovers their relationship, they decide it’s time to arrange her marriage to a proper Iraqi man. Caleb must convince Mirriam that he is in it for forever — or risk losing her for good.


A Missing Peace is slated for release September 1, 2013



About the Author

Meet Beth Fred! A full time ELF keeper and part time writer/blogger/writing instructor. Beth likes her tea hot, her romance sweet, and her guys chivalrous. Real men hold open doors, refer to you as ma’am, make promises they keep, and aren’t afraid to profess their undying love. It’s not breakfast if there aren’t carbs (at least, not in the South). Fajitas, carnitas, and churros are just a few of Beth’s favorite things. Bet you can’t guess where she’s from.

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Itching For Books

Catching Liam Book Blitz


Twenty-one year-old Jillian Nichols only has one rule when it comes to boys: catch and release. Boy-catching isn’t just a game for Jillian and her friends, it’s a lifestyle. After all, boys might be good for a dance or a drink and certainly a little under-cover action of the scandalous variety, but expect much else and you’re bound for heart ache.

So when her best friends and fellow boy catchers start dropping like flies junior year, Jillian is determined to keep boys in her bedroom and out of her heart. Until she meets Liam McAvoy, the kind of guy that sticks around to make waffles and who can’t—or perhaps won’t—take a hint.

Study abroad student Liam doesn’t want to be another notch on Jillian’s bedpost. Actually he has much more interesting ideas for Jillian and her bedposts, but his student visa’s set expiration date means he can’t promise her forever. That doesn’t mean he’s going to walk away from the challenge of discovering why Jillian is hell-bent at keeping people at a distance.

Before long, neither is sure who is catching who—or if they’re playing for keeps. Jillian knows one thing though: falling in love will not only break the only rule of boy-catching, it could also break her heart.
Buy Catching Liam for Kindle  |  Kobo  |  Nook


Liam’s “Caught You” Waffles

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon salt

4 teaspoons baking powder

2 tablespoons white sugar

2 eggs

1 1/2 cups warm milk

1/3 cup butter, melted

Secret ingredient #1: 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Secret ingredient #2: 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon


This recipe will make about 10-12 waffles.  The perfect amount to impress any roommates that straggle in, or to feast on if you’ve pulled an all-nighter.

  1. Preheat waffle iron to desired temperature. I like it really hot.  I know, I know. That’s what she said.  Now would be a good time to make sure you push the iron far enough back on the counter to avoid any burns through accidental contact of your hands…or other areas.

  2. In a large bowl, sift together flour, salt, baking powder and sugar, and I do mean sift.  Don’t just throw it all in the bowl.  You have to give it a little attention.  Mix it up a little.  Don’t just set it aside.

  3. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs. Here’s my trick.  If your girl’s still sleeping, separate the eggs first.  Whip the egg whites like they’ve been naughty until soft peaks form.  Stir in the milk, yolks, butter and vanilla. Pour the milk mixture into the flour mixture. Mix together until combined, but don’t overdo it.  Too much attention and they’ll come out tough instead of crisp and slightly chewy.

  4. Ladle the batter into a preheated waffle iron. Don’t get burned.  Cook the waffles until golden.  Refrain from getting distracted with extra-culinary activities.

  5. Serve before she or the waffles get cold.

About the Author:
Sophia Bleu is a secret identity where I can write about fantasies and falling in love and all the smexiness in between.  In real life, I’m likely catching a plane, chasing kids, or making out with the love of my life—all 6 ft 3 inches of hotness that he is.  Life is pretty good.


Girl in Translation Book Review


Introducing a fresh, exciting Chinese-American voice, an inspiring debut about an immigrant girl forced to choose between two worlds and two futures.
When Kimberly Chang and her mother emigrate from Hong Kong to Brooklyn squalor, she quickly begins a secret double life: exceptional schoolgirl during the day, Chinatown sweatshop worker in the evenings. Disguising the more difficult truths of her life like the staggering degree of her poverty, the weight of her family’s future resting on her shoulders, or her secret love for a factory boy who shares none of her talent or ambition. Kimberly learns to constantly translate not just her language but herself back and forth between the worlds she straddles.
Through Kimberly’s story, author Jean Kwok, who also emigrated from Hong Kong as a young girl, brings to the page the lives of countless immigrants who are caught between the pressure to succeed in America, their duty to their family, and their own personal desires, exposing a world that we rarely hear about. 
Written in an indelible voice that dramatizes the tensions of an immigrant girl growing up between two cultures, surrounded by a language and world only half understood, Girl in Translation is an unforgettable and classic novel of an American immigrant-a moving tale of hardship and triumph, heartbreak and love, and all that gets lost in translation.

I read this book a couple of months ago and I really loved it but then I was left in a state of distress. An ending to a fantastic novel that fails to meet my expectations usually ruins an entire book for me, but this book was so well written and moving that I still can’t help but rate it high on my list. While I was disappointed with the ending the book deserves notable mention as a good read. I just felt a little warning was needed especially to those who are easily disappointed by less than stellar endings.


The story documents the life and times of a Chinese immigrant girl Kimberly Chang and her mother who are thrust into a new life in America, namely New York City. Their lives are rough from the start. I rooted for their success throughout the book, but how far would you go to escape poverty? How much would you be willing to sacrifice?
Kimberly was an extremely selfless person who considered the future of not only herself but those who would be affected by her choices. She grew up quickly and became the one her mother depended on due to the language barrier. This explores her struggles, her accomplishments, her decisions and the outcome. Her selflessness was noble but at what cost?


This book is a quick read and really explores the difficulties the protagonist Kimberly and her mother face adjusting to a new culture and country. I was all in, until the last few pages and not because there wasn’t a happy ending or it wasn’t necessarily a love story but it really was anticlimactic. I was disappointed, to say the least, but I really thought over how affected I was by the story as a whole and in retrospect, it was well written.


Jean Kwok paints a vivid picture of life as an Asian American immigrant. She adequately describes the struggles many immigrants face entering a new country and essentially a new way of life. It shows not only the American experience but the struggle to achieve the American dream. This book is definitely worth a read but I’m giving you fair warning you may or may not love the ending. I’d love to know your thoughts on this book so comment, email, tweet, facebook, smoke signal, whatever  ℓσℓ



Out of Breath Book Review


*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.


Emma leaves Weslyn and everyone in it behind to attend Stanford University, just as she always intended. A shell of her former self, she is not the same girl. She is broken, and the only way that she’ll be whole again is through forgiveness. Emma must find a way to forgive herself and recognize her own worth before she can receive the love she deserves. This final installment will have readers holding their breath until the very last page.


Out of Breath, Book 3 of the Breathing Series is finally here and I am sad it is over. I don’t think I can adequately put into words my love for this series and Rebecca Donovan’s stellar writing, but here goes. What an emotional ride!!! I was nearly about to give up on this book. I had palpitations reading this one. I was nervous yet excited. My heart raced and my stomach dropped. By 12% I was disappointed and unsure of my feelings, but I kept reading knowing that Rebecca Donovan has managed to completely surprise me in the past. By 20% I was hooked. I could not put the book down. At 50% I was in a state of shock.

“Living in the mistakes of your past isn’t going to do anything but destroy your future”

Emma scared the hell out of me, more so in this book than the previous two. I was terrified of the choices she made. Early on I hated what was happening to her, she was lost and utterly broken. It was unlike anything I had expected. I was sad and upset at a lot of her decisions but I understood how messed up things were for her. Emma was screwed up from the first two books but in this book Emma took it to a whole different level. I feared for her and didn’t know what to expect,  every decision she made had me on the edge of my seat. I seriously had anxiety throughout most of this book and I most certainly was holding my breath!

What about Evan, you ask? Well, he’s still one of the most incredible book boyfriends EVER! I was in a panic when things progressed in this book and he was no where to be found. I was anxious, to say the least, but boy oh boy was his return worth every nail biting moment! I don’t want to give away too much so that’s all I will say about Evan. I just wanted to hug them both and make things better, you will go through emotional hell reading this one but it will be worth it, I promise.

Sadly at 70 some odd % the exhaustion took over and I had to call it a night. I could not keep my eyes open and I tried desperately to finish but the last few days of little to no sleep finally caught up with me. I gave in. I woke up and the first thing on my mind was Out of Breath. I knew I would never be able to breath again until I finished. My kindle was my first priority of the day! Damn a shower, damn brushing my teeth, damn breakfast and damn getting out of bed. I grabbed my kindle, powered it on and continued from where I left off. I needed to know how it would end. I seriously did not start my day until I finished this book and it was worth every minute. I was not disappointed. I devoured the last few chapters. This book is emotional, raw and gritty. I loved it, but it was a completely bittersweet feeling knowing this was the final book of the series. I was satisfied with the ending…but, I wouldn’t be opposed to a continuation of this story in the future…hey, a girl can dream 😉

This is a must read and if you have yet to check out the series…what are you waiting for? All three books are out, ready and waiting for you.




Purchase Out of Breath for Kindle or Purchase Out of Breath in Paperback

Need the entire series…

Book 1Reason to Breathe for Kindle or Reason to Breathe in Paperback


Book 2Barely Breathing for Kindle or Barely Breathing in Paperback


More on this author:

Finding Bliss Book Review


*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.


“Chloe Carlyle has always longed for the perfect family.

Growing up with an alcoholic single mother, she has seen her share of heartbreak and disappointment, and is striving to build a new legacy for herself. After graduating from college, she takes a job working as a summer girl for the Reeds––a wealthy, accomplished family that personifies her American dream. Her summer takes an unexpected turn when the Reeds’ eldest son Tyler, the star quarterback for Notre Dame, shows up and turns her life upside down.

An ambitious young woman with a wry sense of humor, Chloe never imagined herself as the type to succumb to the looks and charms of the hometown hero, but she falls hard for Tyler, and is devastated when they part ways at the end of the summer. As she heads off to law school, Chloe tries to convince herself this was just a fling, but she can’t quite get over him. It’s not until Tyler contacts her out of the blue late one winter night that everything changes.

After doing everything in her power to build the perfect life, Chloe soon learns that there are things beyond her control. She must draw on inner reserves of strength as her life takes unpredictable—and sometimes heartbreaking—twists and turns, and she finds herself faced with decisions she never thought she’d have to make. Poignant, heartfelt, and emotional, Finding Bliss is a reminder that you don’t have to live a fairytale life in order to have a happy ending”


For those who are unfamiliar with Dina Silver’s One Pink Line…I highly recommend you read it as well. It is a superbly written book. Finding Bliss is a spin-off of One Pink Line, but you do NOT need to read one in order to read the other. However, I think you’d be doing yourself a great disservice by not reading both. They are both beautiful stories in their own right. You can read my very brief but straightforward review about One Pink Line here.

So, my thoughts on Finding Bliss

First thoughts were…this is good, this is really good. But, then my heart broke and then it healed again, then I was angry, then I was sad and then I was happy again…This is definitely an emotionally charged book.

What I really like about Dina Silver’s writing is that it is extremely realistic. Her stories aren’t sugar coated, people struggle, suffer and fight, they’re faced with hard decisions and sometimes things don’t work out. She focuses on real issues that everyone can relate to and dives in with all her might. There is a rawness to her writing that is so real. The characters are lovable, revered, moving and sometimes sickening. This particular book explores alcoholism and mental illness as well as a whole slew of other topics I’d rather not divulge to avoid spoiling it for you! I will say, this book is incredible! The protagonist, Chloe takes on a huge responsibility at an early age, and that specific characteristic stays with her throughout the book. She remains responsible, dependable but utterly naive at times. Her character develops well throughout the book and she, in my opinion, becomes an amazing and inspirational woman. The hurdles she faces and overcomes make you appreciate all you have and all you strive to be in a world filled with many unforeseeable obstacles. Not many people would endure and persevere the way Chloe did. I have a lot of thoughts on the other characters namely Tyler and Cam but I feel this may give away too much and this book is worth the read.

If you are looking for a deeply poignant story that shows you it isn’t impossible to stand up again after repeatedly falling, a story that shows not every happy ending is in fact YOUR happy ending, and that no matter what obstacles you face there is always a way to overcome them, then this book is definitely for you. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Finding Bliss is slated for release July 16, 2013.

Pre-order your copy for Kindle or Pre-order your copy in Paperback

Out Of Breath (The Breathing Series, #3)

Rebecca Donovan’s third installment of The Breathing Series — Out of Breath is finally here!


I’ve eagerly anticipated the release of this book since reading the first two in the series. The second book left me on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait to start this one. If you haven’t already read Reason to Breathe or Barely Breathing what are you waiting for? These books are amazing. I could not put them down. I’ll admit, the first book ended with a crazy cliffhanger but it was well worth the read. The second book left me in awe. I sat wondering, guessing and hoping. I thought the suspense would surely kill me. But here we are…July 2nd release and I’m starting my copy today!!! Go ahead and add it to your goodreads shelf and while you’re at it go on and order yourself a copy!


Order for Kindle or Order in Paperback


One Pink Line by Dina Silver



“Can the love of a lifetime be forever changed by one pink line? Dina Silver’s tender, absorbing novel, One Pink Line, is the warmhearted, wry story of love, loss and family, as seen through the prism of one singular, spirited young couple who find themselves in a predicament that changes the course of their lives, and those closest to them. With heart, humor and compassion, this debut work of women’s fiction is certain to stir anyone who relishes a good laugh, can stand a good cry, and, above all believes in the redemptive power of love.

This unique, contemporary story gives readers a dual perspective. Sydney Shephard, a sweet-tempered, strong-natured college senior is young, in love with an exceptional man, and unexpectedly pregnant. Faced with a child she never planned for, she is forced to relay this news to her neurotic mother, relinquish her youth, and risk losing the love of her life. Then there’s Grace, a daughter, who believed she was a product of this great love, grows to realize her existence is not what she assumed, and is left with profound and puzzling questions about who she really is.

Spanning generations and every imaginable emotion, One Pink Line reveals how two points of view can be dramatically at odds, and perhaps ultimately reconciled. Simultaneously deeply felt and lighthearted, One Pink Line deftly mines how the choices we make are able to alter so many lives, and how doing the right thing and living honestly can bring unexpected, hard-won happiness. It’s a must-read for anyone who relishes a great love story, absorbing characters, and plenty of laughs along the way.”

Losing Hope Book Review


*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.


In the follow-up to Colleen Hoover’s #1 New York Times bestseller Hopeless, the charming and irresistible Dean Holder tells the passionate story that has melted thousands of hearts.

In Hopeless, Sky left no secret unearthed, no feeling unshared, and no memory forgotten, but Holder’s past remained a mystery.

Still haunted by the little girl he let walk away, Holder has spent his entire life searching for her in an attempt to finally rid himself of the crushing guilt he has felt for years. But he could not have anticipated that the moment they reconnect, even greater remorse would overwhelm him…

Sometimes in life, if we wish to move forward, we must first dig deep into our past and make amends. In Losing Hope, bestselling author Colleen Hoover reveals what was going on inside Holder’s head during all those hopeless moments—and whether he can gain the peace he desperately needs.”


First of all I just have to say…this book is fucking incredible. I am still in tears. I am so not a crier, but what can I say, Colleen Hoover writes so beautifully that I am touched by every single word she writes.

Holder…what an incredible, loving, supportive person he is! I love Holder, everything about him. I absolutely love books written in male POV. Something just makes you fall deeper in love with the men of the book and I will say I even fell more in love with Breckin and Daniel after this read! Oh, but Colleen you have now made me curious about Daniel’s story…hmmm…maybe you can write a book about it? I’ll even settle for a novella…short story…essay? LOL

Reading this book was like opening presents on Christmas. I was incredibly moved by the outpouring of love and devotion throughout this book. You fall in love with Sky and Holder reading Hopeless. It is a heartbreaking yet incredibly touching story. Hopeless broke my heart and warmed it all at once. I found the same to be true when I read Losing Hope. Somehow I managed to fall deeper in love with Holder this time around and I did NOT think that was possible. I thought I’d maxed out my love for him with Hopeless but Losing Hope lived up to every expectation I had and then some!

The book is phenomenal. I highly recommend it and if you have yet to read Hopeless please do me a favor and order yourself a copy! I would hate for anyone to miss out on an opportunity to experience these emotionally-charged books. I’m still reeling from my own experience!

Losing Hope is slated for release on July 8, 2013 

HOPELESS is available on Amazon Kindle for only $0.99  (LIMITED TIME) order your copy today and while you’re at it…

Pre-order Losing Hope for Kindle or Pre-Order Losing Hope in Paperback

About the Author:

Left Drowning Book Review


“What does it take to rise from life’s depths, swim against the current, and breathe? Weighted down by the loss of her parents, Blythe McGuire struggles to keep her head above water as she trudges through her last year at Matthews College. Then a chance meeting sends Blythe crashing into something she doesn’t expect—an undeniable attraction to a dark-haired senior named Chris Shepherd, whose past may be even more complicated than her own. As their relationship deepens, Chris pulls Blythe out of the stupor she’s been in since the night a fire took half her family. She begins to heal, and even, haltingly, to love this guy who helps her find new paths to pleasure and self-discovery. But as Blythe moves into calmer waters, she realizes Chris is the one still strangled by his family’s traumatic history. As dark currents threaten to pull him under, Blythe may be the only person who can keep him from drowning.”
*This book is intended for mature audiences due to strong language and sexual content.
Pre-Order for Kindle or Pre-Order in Paperback


I finally read my ARC yesterday and I definitely put my entire life on hold just to finish this book. I COULD NOT put it down. It was 100% worth it! I walked to the store, I was reading, I went to the mall, I was reading, I ate lunch, I was reading…..I COULD NOT stop. I read so much my kindle and iphone batteries died. I finally put the book down at about 88% because I was afraid to finish. I wasn’t sure I was ready for it to be over. I wanted to live in that world for just a bit longer.


Favorite characters:
I really honestly and truly loved them all. Jessica Park has a way of making you love her characters as though they are your extended family. She managed it again with Left Drowning but I must say my three favorite people were Sabin, Christopher and of course Blythe.
Sabin, Sabin, Sabin oh how I loved Sabin! If I could wrap him up and put him on display for all the world to see, I would. He was one of my favorites. Ok, I think he is my favorite as much as I loved Blythe and Christopher, there was just something so special about Sabin. He held everyone together even when they wanted to fall apart. He had his issues but he loved fiercely. He was the funny, animated one that made everyone crazy but he was also their glue.
Chris, as much as I loved him I wanted to strangle him…and often. He broke my heart…repeatedly dragging it through the mud and stomping on it until I was sure it wouldn’t beat again. But somehow, I still rooted for him! What a past he ran from. His running caused me great pains but I understood. I really did. Chris was intense and ridiculously patient even when he was boiling inside. There was something very noble about that but again I had my moments where I wanted to ring his neck.
Blythe…what a journey she had! I admired the woman she became even through all the pain she persevered. She was a shell of a person when the book began. She’s alive but not really living…inside she’s unfeeling, cold and completely void of emotion. By the end of the book she came out of her shell, opened up, accepted the many faults and losses she’s incurred. Finally, she thought, she felt, she loved. She was truly an inspiration. I rooted for her from start to finish.
This was an amazingly beautiful book. I went through a plethora of emotions while reading it. I laughed, I cried, I was heartbroken, enraged and somehow I continued to root for a HEA!!! What I loved the most about this book were the relationships. The love story is only one aspect of this book. One tragically beautiful aspect, but there is a camaraderie that is seen throughout this book that simply amazed me. I wanted to be a part of this unconventional family. Through their troubled pasts they all hold onto one another for the strength to continue…to continue breathing in a world where they “were left drowning.”  Their fights are deeply emotional, as their battle scars run deeper than merely the physical. They’re all seeking a way to somehow just breathe again. Even through the pain they’d all experienced they made the best of what they had…each other!
Here is one of my favorite parts…
Chris looks around the room as if trying to find a way to convince me.
He thinks for a minute. “Your parents died. Your world fell apart.”
I nod.
He puts his hand on my cheek.
“You were left drowning.”
I nod again.
“And you’re struggling to breathe.”
I am. It’s a constant struggle to stay near the surface. I have just enough air to stop me from totally going under, but not enough to thrive.
“So do it. Breathe. Just breathe.”
This is part of what makes Jessica Park’s writing so wonderful. I connected with these characters, each and every one of them. I truly connected with them. I wanted things to work out for them. I laughed at their joys, cried during their sorrows, and felt how much love they had for one another. I was angry when they were and I wanted so very much for things to work out in their favor. This book was an incredible journey that I urge you all to take. You won’t be sorry!

Left Drowning is slated for release on July 16, 2013 

Pre-Order for Kindle or Pre-Order in Paperback

Happy Reading!

Wicked Wednesday


Today’s pick is The Opportunist. I’ve had this book on my To-Read shelf for months and I finally read it this morning. Let me just say WOW. It is the first book in the Love Me With Lies series by Tarryn Fisher. The minute I started reading this book it pulled me in and captured my attention from start to finish. I held on to every single word.

Olivia, Olivia, Olivia jeez sometimes I wanted to scream at her  for all her hare-brained ideas and other times I didn’t know whether I felt sorry for her or if I actually understood her desperation. I loved how the author switched between past and present day. It allowed you to take the journey with Caleb and Olivia in a way that made you fall in love with them. And Caleb….dear sweet Caleb, oh how I love him!

The book starts in present day. Caleb and Olivia are not speaking for some unknown reason at this point…

Caleb apparently has amnesia from an accident and doesn’t remember Olivia. She takes advantage of this opportunity to find a way back into his life…as short lived as it may be, she wants in. Guilty as she feels she can’t give him up…not again.

I really hate giving things away it’s always difficult for me to write a review without feeling like something I say will spoil it for the reader. So I will just say this…

The Opportunist is a must read! The ending! OMG!  Go read this…NOW!

I am still going through a lot emotionally after reading this so I will post a more in depth review…which will likely have spoilers at a later time…here’s the goodreads synopsis:

“Olivia Kaspen has just discovered that her ex-boyfriend, Caleb Drake, has lost his memory. With an already lousy reputation for taking advantage of situations, Olivia must decide how far she is willing to go to get Caleb back. Wrestling to keep her true identity and their sordid past under wraps, Olivia’s greatest obstacle is Caleb’s wicked, new girlfriend; Leah Smith. It is a race to the finish as these two vipers engage in a vicious tug of war to possess a man who no longer remembers them. But, soon enough Olivia must face the consequences of her lies, and in the process discover that sometimes love falls short of redemption.”

Buy The Opportunist

More about the author:

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