
FREEBIE: Summer Demons by Mia Hoddell


Summer Demons

by Mia Hoddell

Genre: YA Romance

Release Date: 26th February 2014

Length: Novella


Jenna Shaw ran away to escape her past. In fact, she jumped on a plane and flew to Portugal to try and forget it. However, it turns out leaving everything behind isn’t as easy as it sounds.

She thought she could move on and break free of her fears—that if she had some space the pain would stop. But as memories resurface due to an ill-timed joke, the past crashes into her present once more and she didn’t see it coming.

Jenna’s plans for normality are derailed by the charismatic Ethan Brooks. She sees him as an annoyance; he sees her as a challenge. But as he tries every trick known to him to impress her, they only serve to push her further away. He’s never faced this problem before and Ethan has to work harder than he ever has if he wants to win over and help his mysterious girl.

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She saw red. Seeping into the crystal clear water it spread, bleeding and merging as
the ripples around her pushed it closer towards her feet. The deep crimson only
grew darker as it surrounded her.
She could feel her breathing quicken, coming in short, sharp rasps as she started to
panic. Her chest constricted, an unbearable pressure tightening like a boa
constrictor refusing to release her from its clutches. Her throat felt dry, her
increased breathing doing nothing to help the situation as she forced herself
to swallow in the hope of dislodging the lump that had formed there.
This isn’t happening. This isn’t real. I came here to escape this, she told herself repeatedly
as she laid there, her turquoise bikini embellished with golden sequins shining
in the sun as her back tanned slowly. Bringing up an arm to adjust her
chestnut-brown hair that was dangling in the water, she tried to pull away
before the colour reached her and tainted the beautiful locks. The damage done
would be irreparable if it touched her.
Moving it just in time, she threw it over her shoulder so it rested between her shoulder
blades, the damp tips feeling nice as they cooled her back by trailing droplets
of water down either side. She tried not to flinch as her gaze returned to the
bloodied water that lapped at the li-lo beneath her chin. With every wave it
seemed to grow closer, making its way further up the yellow plastic to try and
touch her. The tapping that was normally so soothing tormented her now, like a
crowd clapping and cheering her sanity on as it fled for safety.
Rather than listen to the logical side of her brain, her body had other ideas.
Shuffling back, she put a bigger distance between her face and the abnormal
pool beneath her. As her toes dipped into the cool water behind her though, she
flinched, automatically drawing herself up so that no part of her body was near
the edge. No matter how disgusted she was, she couldn’t stop staring; her eyes
were hypnotised by the gentle movements that swirled the colour into the water
even more. The red had become so thick that not one tile beneath the surface
was visible.
The more she stared, the more she remembered.
The more she remembered, the more she was pulled into her memory.
It might not have been real at that moment in time, but it had been, and Jenna was once again pulled into the unbearable memory.
About the Author
Mia Hoddell lives in the UK with her family and two cats. She spends most of her time writing or reading, loves anything paranormal and has an overactive imagination that keeps her up until the early hours of the morning.
With three poems published before the age of sixteen, Mia moved on to short stories but finding she had too much to tell with too little space, Mia progressed to novels. She started her first series (The Wanderer Trilogy) at the age of
fourteen and since then hasn’t stopped writing. Elemental Killers is her second series and with an ever growing
list of ideas, Mia is trying to keep up with the speed at which her imagination
generates them.
Connect with Mia:
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Painted Boots by Mechelle Morrison Tour

Painted Boots cover


When her father drags her to a new life in Wyoming, Aspen Brand doesn’t expect to fall for a cowboy named Kyle Thacker—but she does. At seventeen, Aspen and Kyle share unexpected ground: guitar, running, physics. And guilt. Aspen blames herself for her mother’s car accident, while Kyle can’t find a way past his brother’s suicide.
On their first date they open up to each other, forging an unbreakable bond between them. But Kyle has spent two years living with a vicious secret—one his ex-girlfriend will do anything to protect—and sharing his truth with Aspen makes her a target. Now if Kyle is to be her love story, Aspen must first win the fight of her life. 



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My Review

Painted Boots is a sweet book with some painstakingly frightening moments.

Aspen Brand’s father uproots their life and heads to Wyoming to start fresh after the loss of his wife, Maddy, Aspen’s mother. While Aspen is grieving her father also struggles with the loss of his beloved wife. He’s lost without her and navigating his role as a parent isn’t easy. He loves Aspen fiercely but it seems his wife was their anchor. She was the glue that held them together.  Although this book has a beautiful romance. I loved the dynamic between the parents and the children. I would’ve liked to know more about the parents pasts and their own stories…perhaps in another book (hint hint Mechelle lol)

Aspen’s first day at her new school starts off on the wrong foot. She encounters a group of girls and acknowledges them kindly only to be met with sneers and rude comments. She notices Kyle Thacker immediately, she’s drawn to him and she wants to know more about him, but Em Harrelson, his ex girlfriend wants no part of it. She’s determined to keep Kyle at any cost and if she has anything to say about it Aspen won’t be on his radar. Em’s efforts borderline obsessive and downright terrifying at times. Kyle wants nothing to do with her but she won’t leave him alone. Kyle has a secret one he’s afraid to share with anyone, until Aspen. She has breathed life into his world again. He opens himself up to her and opens his heart but after sharing this secret he fears for her own safety. 

This book covers a really serious topic but one that generally doesn’t get presented in such a harsh, violent manner — bullying. Em Harrelson is probably the meanest of the mean girls. She’s downright mental but Kyle and Aspen cling to one another as they open up and share their secrets hoping that Em will allow them a happy ever after. Aspen and Kyle’s story is inspiring and truly beautiful. I loved the honesty between these two. Their relationship, though they are young is a relationship many people search a lifetime for. It is a sweet story but their are some alarmingly violent moments that shake you to your core. I felt for Aspen and Kyle but I also felt for their parents. The parents who were so very supportive and loving throughout everything both their families had endured. This was a good read especially if you’re a fan of cowboys. 

I’d recommend this book for those interested in mature Young Adult books. 

*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.*

Buy Painted Boots for Kindle  |  Nook  |  Kobo  | Paperback


M MorrisonAbout the Author

Mechelle Morrison loves language–she’s always wished she could speak and write them all. She lives for chocolate, lazy summer days, spontaneously funny things . . . and family. She’s sort of scared of dogs.

When she’s not reading or writing or wandering the world, she can be found in her backyard in Utah with her husband, their daughter and the bevy of quail that live behind their garage.

If she didn’t write she’d make stop-motion animation shorts. So she does that anyway. 

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Visited Blog Tour

Visited Amazon GR SW


Seventeen-year-old Joanna Murphy has lost faith in her life. Vying for her mom’s attention, she’s resentful of her stepdad’s intrusion to their family. Her best friend, Tommy, has no clue she’s in love with him as he dates girl after girl without noticing how it tortures her. The final kicker, though, is God’s sick joke to make her freakishly tall when everyone knows boys prefer petite girls.

Then in a bizarre accident Joanna meets James, a breathtaking teen who appears to her after an unusual falling star sighting. Suddenly, her dream for an alien encounter becomes all too real. But when she finds her life has been made unrecognizable, she’s forced into an explosive study of the original design for her life that just may have her regretting every wish she ever made.


Purchase Visited for Kindle  |  Nook 

My Review

Visited is a sweet lighthearted sci-fi/fantasy book about a young girl who is trying to find her way. Joanna Murphy is having a bad day. Her mom and stepdad announce some very big news that will affect her summer plans. Her volleyball coach asks for a favor that puts her out and Tommy, her best friend has no idea she is jealous of his girlfriend because she’s secretly crushing on him…hard! Ok, maybe she secretly loves him.

Have you ever heard that saying, “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side?” This is exactly the kind of book that proves that statement to be true. What would you do if your world were turned upside down? What would you do if everything you thought you wanted was at your fingertips? After an accident leaves Joanna injured and face to face with James, extra hot with a side of extra “ahem” terrestrial? Joanna gets the opportunity to see how life would be if she got what she wished for, but as she gets what she thinks she’s always wanted she starts to learn some tough lessons. Can Joanna find a way to get back to her “old self?”

This was a very interesting book with a few twists along the way. Although the characters were older teenagers this book was pretty innocent. I enjoyed this book it was a quick light hearted read with just a touch of romance/drama. It is definitely a book fans of YA, sci-fi or fantasy will enjoy though I might classify it as YA Fantasy/Coming of Age. Though I would recommend it for younger readers (approx. 11-17) as it may be too innocent for some readers.  

*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.*

Jan 08-Mars08 023 (1)About the Author

Janine Caldwell was born in Concord, CA and raised in the small San Francisco Bay Area town of Clayton. Four days after her high school graduation, Janine attended California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo and graduated with a degree in English.

Janine now lives in Anthem, AZ with her husband and two sons. As a lifelong literature fanatic, she knew it was only a matter of time before she would become obsessed with writing her own work. With relatives like the Brothers Grimm and Anita Loos (Gentlemen Prefer Blondes), she figured fantasy writing had to be in her DNA.

Books published by Janine include Visited, a YA coming-of-age fantasy, Rematch and Double Fault—the first two books of The Vortex Series.

The final book in this YA fantasy romance, Deuce, will be released fall 2013.

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Other books by Janine Caldwell:





A Missing Peace Blog Tour, Review/Favorite Quotes & Giveaway

0913 Missing Peace_500


A turbulent, emotionally charged YA novel that breaks down barriers and challenges the status quo…
Angry, seventeen-year-old Iraqi war refugee Mirriam Yohanna hates her new life in Killeen, Texas, where the main attraction is a military base, populated with spoiled army brats like Caleb Miller.
Caleb has much to be angry about too, including Mirriam who turns him down flat in front of everyone. Eager for retribution, Caleb agrees to a dare that will see him take Mirriam to the prom and regain his pride.
But their relationship soon moves beyond high school antics. Mirriam and Caleb are bound together by more than location, and as they are forced to work closely together on a school assignment, they start to uncover an explosive story that has the potential to ruin lives — and both of their futures. One single truth changes everything and strengthens their bond.
When Mirriam’s family discovers their relationship, they decide it’s time to arrange her marriage to a proper Iraqi man. Caleb must convince Mirriam that he is in it for forever — or risk losing her for good. 


This was one of the best books I’ve read all summer in fact I think it may be one of the best books I’ve read this year. This book is considered Young Adult but I feel it caters to anyone who is politically minded, interested in current events or someone who generally enjoys a forbidden romance. I highly recommend this book to all readers. 

The truest statement I’ve ever read in a synopsis –
“A turbulent, emotionally charged YA novel that breaks down barriers and challenges the status quo…”
That description absolutely nails this book!
Let’s start with my own summary
Mirriam Yohanna an Iraqi refugee comes to Killeen, TX – a military town. Mirriam harbors more baggage than the average American teenager. She intends to keep to herself until graduation when she can leave this town behind and all the small-minded people who live in it. That is her plan, until she meets Caleb Miller. Caleb is an All-American teenage dream. He’s a football player and everyone loves him. He’s also an army brat…in Mirriam’s opinion. They have a few run-ins that first day of school, but it isn’t until Caleb’s buddies set a bet, one that Caleb willingly agrees to take on. His goal is to get her to go to prom with him but only to recover from her blowing him off in front of his friends.
Lucky for him Mirriam walks into his Government class. He volunteers to partner up with Mirriam in order to get closer to her. The class begins and Mirriam silently listens on as her teacher speaks of Iraq in a manner that Mirriam disagrees with. She can’t stand the propaganda and speaks up causing an all out debate to ensue, leaving both Mirriam and Caleb arguing over who is right and who is wrong concerning the war. Caleb admits he lost his dad in Iraq and Mirriam tells the story of her father dying at the hands of an American solider. Each carry the weight of losing a beloved parent neither knowing just how much they have in common.
Why did I love this book? 
The short, easy answer is: it’s a great book. It was well written with an excellent storyline and two lovable protagonists! The political aspect intrigued me and it basically challenged the way many people think about politics, government and war. I loved that! I am a junkie when it comes to politics and government so that aspect of the story stuck with me the most. The book is romantic but it covers a wide range of serious topics, the story just fell together beautifully for me. 
Beth Fred really creates a powerful tale of two young people who are on a quest for truth and justice! Ha! That sounds like I’m discussing a comic book hero but in all seriousness this book evoked a strong sense of the human spirit overall. The ability for us to look past our differences, to coexist, even love. I felt that I personally could relate to this story so I think that also played a huge part of why I loved it so much.
I wouldn’t mind a sequel…K, thanks Beth haha 😉
Favorite Quotes  
I tried to choose a few of my favorite quotes that wouldn’t give too much of the storyline away. I feel this is a book everyone needs to read and interpret in their own way and I felt it was important to keep certain aspects of this review spoiler free.

“We’re there to keep terrorists from doing things like that.”
A single tear rolled down my face. In spite of this, I let out a laugh. “Except, he was shot by an American soldier.” Caleb’s mouth gaped. He rocked back in his chair and didn’t say anything else.”


“Sure, friends,” I said, “but it’s probably a good idea to do something that doesn’t require us to talk much.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Caleb, I call what the U.S. did to us an ‘invasion’. You call it ‘aid’, and I don’t think either one of us are changing our minds anytime soon.” 
He nodded, both defiant and sympathetic in a single motion.” 


“Won’t happen.”
“Try me.” 
Instead of looking for a reply, I took a huge chance. The kind of risk you could easily regret. I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. It didn’t take long to force her lips open. She clasped one hand around each of my arms and squeezed tightly. She was kissing back. It was perfect.”


“She stepped out the door then turned back, grabbed my face and kissed me with an urgency she hadn’t before. 
I held onto her and pressed her body to mine until I realized she had no plans of breaking this. When her body started to curl around mine, I pulled away. “It’s going to be okay. I promise, M. I meant what I said. I won’t let anyone take you from me.” 

I could go on and on but I seriously want you all to go out and get this book. It’s worth the read!
Purchase A Missing Peace for Kindle  |  Nook  |  Paperback


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About the Author
Meet Beth Fred! A full time ELF keeper and part time writer/blogger/writing instructor. Beth likes her tea hot, her romance sweet, and her guys chivalrous. Real men hold open doors, refer to you as ma’am, make promises they keep, and aren’t afraid to profess their undying love. It’s not breakfast if there aren’t carbs (at least, not in the South). Fajitas, carnitas, and churros are just a few of Beth’s favorite things. Bet you can’t guess where she’s from.   

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Beside Your Heart Blog Tour



Was he The One who got away?

Late one night, Nicki Johnson plays with emotional fire and Googles her high school love, only to find his name splashed across the British gossip columns. Back in his native England, Adam Kincaid is successful and dating a woman from an aristocratic family like his own. With a career in politics, Nicki’s no slouch, but she knows Adam is living a world away from her life.

Yet there was a time he was no farther than the next locker. Nicki will never forget their year together in high school–the year of her sister’s death, the year her mother checked out. Adam helped Nicki through suffocating grief, and she led him through coming of age. But when is a high school crush something more? 


My Review

This is a heartwarming story. I really, really, enjoyed it. The story tugs at your heart. The prologue begins in present day but much of the content beyond that is what leads up to present day events. 

Nicki Johnson, the protagonist, at seventeen has experienced loss beyond anything someone should experience at such a young age. Her sister is taken from her after a terrible accident. Her mother is grieving and has failed to be present mentally or physically. She copes by keeping busy but this keeps her out of the house and Nicki is uncertain how to deal with her own grief but she knows as numb as she feels she doesn’t want to live that way. Her mother isn’t a horrible person but she grieves in a way that leaves Nicki a bit neglected. It’s easy to see how difficult the loss of her sister has affected this family as a whole. Enter Adam, the hot British guy at school. He is everything Nicki knows she should stay away from, but for some reason he’s the only thing on her mind. He does all he can to get to know her better but she keeps her distance fearing she will end up hurt. Although they know of each other, their interactions were limited in the past, but this year their lockers are right next to one another. This year, she will get to know Adam better and like it or not, this will be the year she risks her heart. Her world unravels as she allows herself a chance at happiness…but can it last? 

Adam Kincaid steps into Nicki’s life in High School but thoughts of him have remained with her into her adult life. She opens up and bares everything to him. She allows him into her thoughts and into her heart. She discusses the loss of her sister, the way her family dealt with the loss and what she remembers. Although she’s been silently suffering, she lets her guard down with Adam who seems to be the only person that asks how she’s holding up. She feels a level of comfort with him that she doesn’t find with anyone else. Slowly, he becomes her rock. Flawed as she feels, he accepts all of her. He sees her scars, both emotional and physical yet he listens intently and accepts every beautiful part of her. He shares his dreams with her and she never criticizes, she simply encourages him to do what he loves. The few months they spend together in High School stick with them for a lifetime. But can these two find their way back to each other?

Present day

Nicki’s career has led her search for Adam. After googling him, she finds out he is currently dating a woman who is from an illustrious family. Knowing that his family is from the same circle she can’t help but feel inferior. She still thinks of him often and longs to see him but she won’t admit it. Two of her friends venture to Europe and while in England, they meet up with Adam who is as curious about Nicki and her life as she is about him. I won’t give much more away but this is a must read for second chance romance fans!

Yay or Nay?

This is a beautiful book. It captures the essence of not only a first love, but true love. One that outlasts even distance and time. It was an emotional ride for me, the story touched on some pretty heavy loss for someone so young. It made me feel for this girl who felt as though she had no one to turn to. Although she grieves with her family, they all handled the loss differently. They all had to grieve alone in their own way. Adam helps her through a tough time in her life but he makes a lasting impression and forever changes her.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good love story. Depending on how emotional of a reader you are, you may need tissues for this one! I don’t cry very often in general so I don’t get very emotional with many books, BUT this one had me a bit teary eyed at one point or another. This is a book about first loves, second chances, healing and enduring love. I love, love, loved it. I am eagerly awaiting the release of Book 2! 

*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.*

Purchase Beside Your Heart for Kindle  |  Paperback 

There was something about the look in his eyes and the feeling of our bodies being connected that was too much. Everything about being with him felt impossibly special, but was it? In a way, I didn’t care if the actual sex was as good for him as it had been with Kate or Meredith; he appeared to enjoy himself just fine. But did it feel the same way for him?

Only allowing him to rest on my chest for a minute, I turned over onto my side. I felt the need to protect myself, but I also wanted to know the truth—at least I thought I might. Timidly, I asked, “Is…is it always this way? When you’re with someone?”

He pulled me back toward him. Looking me straight in the eye, he somberly shook his head. “No. It’s never been like this for me.” Kissing my forehead, he ended the discussion. “I love you, Nicki.”


author pic

About the Author 

Even before she graduated from law school, Mary knew she wasn’t cut out to be a real lawyer. Drawn to politics, she’s spent her career as an organizer, lobbyist, and nonprofit executive. Nothing piques her interest more than a good political scandal or romance, and when she stumbled upon writing, she put the two together. A born Midwesterner, naturalized Texan, and transient resident of Washington, D.C., Mary now lives in Northern California with her two daughters and real lawyer husband.


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Out of Breath Book Review


*This book was an ARC provided to me for free in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and comments are my own.


Emma leaves Weslyn and everyone in it behind to attend Stanford University, just as she always intended. A shell of her former self, she is not the same girl. She is broken, and the only way that she’ll be whole again is through forgiveness. Emma must find a way to forgive herself and recognize her own worth before she can receive the love she deserves. This final installment will have readers holding their breath until the very last page.


Out of Breath, Book 3 of the Breathing Series is finally here and I am sad it is over. I don’t think I can adequately put into words my love for this series and Rebecca Donovan’s stellar writing, but here goes. What an emotional ride!!! I was nearly about to give up on this book. I had palpitations reading this one. I was nervous yet excited. My heart raced and my stomach dropped. By 12% I was disappointed and unsure of my feelings, but I kept reading knowing that Rebecca Donovan has managed to completely surprise me in the past. By 20% I was hooked. I could not put the book down. At 50% I was in a state of shock.

“Living in the mistakes of your past isn’t going to do anything but destroy your future”

Emma scared the hell out of me, more so in this book than the previous two. I was terrified of the choices she made. Early on I hated what was happening to her, she was lost and utterly broken. It was unlike anything I had expected. I was sad and upset at a lot of her decisions but I understood how messed up things were for her. Emma was screwed up from the first two books but in this book Emma took it to a whole different level. I feared for her and didn’t know what to expect,  every decision she made had me on the edge of my seat. I seriously had anxiety throughout most of this book and I most certainly was holding my breath!

What about Evan, you ask? Well, he’s still one of the most incredible book boyfriends EVER! I was in a panic when things progressed in this book and he was no where to be found. I was anxious, to say the least, but boy oh boy was his return worth every nail biting moment! I don’t want to give away too much so that’s all I will say about Evan. I just wanted to hug them both and make things better, you will go through emotional hell reading this one but it will be worth it, I promise.

Sadly at 70 some odd % the exhaustion took over and I had to call it a night. I could not keep my eyes open and I tried desperately to finish but the last few days of little to no sleep finally caught up with me. I gave in. I woke up and the first thing on my mind was Out of Breath. I knew I would never be able to breath again until I finished. My kindle was my first priority of the day! Damn a shower, damn brushing my teeth, damn breakfast and damn getting out of bed. I grabbed my kindle, powered it on and continued from where I left off. I needed to know how it would end. I seriously did not start my day until I finished this book and it was worth every minute. I was not disappointed. I devoured the last few chapters. This book is emotional, raw and gritty. I loved it, but it was a completely bittersweet feeling knowing this was the final book of the series. I was satisfied with the ending…but, I wouldn’t be opposed to a continuation of this story in the future…hey, a girl can dream 😉

This is a must read and if you have yet to check out the series…what are you waiting for? All three books are out, ready and waiting for you.




Purchase Out of Breath for Kindle or Purchase Out of Breath in Paperback

Need the entire series…

Book 1Reason to Breathe for Kindle or Reason to Breathe in Paperback


Book 2Barely Breathing for Kindle or Barely Breathing in Paperback


More on this author:

Out Of Breath (The Breathing Series, #3)

Rebecca Donovan’s third installment of The Breathing Series — Out of Breath is finally here!


I’ve eagerly anticipated the release of this book since reading the first two in the series. The second book left me on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait to start this one. If you haven’t already read Reason to Breathe or Barely Breathing what are you waiting for? These books are amazing. I could not put them down. I’ll admit, the first book ended with a crazy cliffhanger but it was well worth the read. The second book left me in awe. I sat wondering, guessing and hoping. I thought the suspense would surely kill me. But here we are…July 2nd release and I’m starting my copy today!!! Go ahead and add it to your goodreads shelf and while you’re at it go on and order yourself a copy!


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